Monday, June 06, 2005

Rise Darth Plumious

I have been thinking. You know how everyone thinks the Empire in Star Wars is evil? Well, maybe it isn’t. I think they had one big flaw. It’s kind of an obvious one. THEIR LEADER WAS A DARK LORD OF THE SITH. Hmm? I mean really, take any kind of government and put a dark lord of the Sith in charge and I bet you it will turn out to be a disaster.

So stop badmouthing the empire. It’s not their fault that they were run by the ultimate evil in the galaxy.

Imagine the empire with a good jedi in charge. Peace and stability in the galaxy. A strong ruler to unite everyone in the spirit of love. Also, imagine the money they would save when they no longer have to send all the storm troopers to practice training constantly.

I just think personal freedom is overrated. Look where it’s gotten us. The world is a shitty place and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Let’s have a tyrant clean it up, but let’s be sure it’s a good, benevolent tyrant. Not like the bad guys in the movies.

That’s my political standpoint.

Jessica Alba is the prettiest girl in the world. And thank god for seethrough material.

That’s my sexual standpoint.

Geeselings are cute, even if that’s not a real word.


That’s not a standpoint, that’s just how it is.

I decided to go see Sin City in the cinema today. I didn’t, though. Turned out I was too tired. So I just went to the playground instead. For some reason I am never too tired for that. No matter how I’m feeling, I always feel great when I get there.

Updated the video section, as promised. A video from the Hans Christian Andersen parade. So you can see Dunkelfolket in action if you want. Also a movie clip of Mads. Baahing like a big girl. Haha. Same-old same-old. Funny stuff.

I got an email from a Lisa Dahl, AWA account manager at They want to put banners on my site, apparently. I wish it was because I had such a great site with thousands of visitors. And not because they just spam everyone. The amount of money I could make by putting advertising on would probably be enough for a piece of chewing gum. Not a pack of chewing gum, no, one individual piece of gum from the pack. I could go into the store and say “Hey, I can’t afford this pack of Stimorol, but I’d really like to buy one of the pieces. Is that okay?”

Mmm, Stimorol with it’s long-lasting smooth taste of freedom.

Nope, never advertising here!

A couple of days ago my mother told me that she had run into one of my old classmates. Pelle. Pelle was shopping in Kvickly with his mother. They all got to talking. My mother told them some of the stuff that’s going on with me. I guess Pelle said I could come down and visit him if I want. He still lives the same place as he did when we went to school. Just like me.

I remember he had an Amiga, before I did. So I would often go visit him to play on it. He had a dog. Back then I was terrified of dogs. Seems silly now, but it felt like such a dilemma back then. Playing on the fantastic Amiga, but having to face the wild beast.

Interestingly enough I dream of Pelle sometimes. My dreams often include my old classmates. And for some reason Pelle is one of the most often featured.

I don’t know if I’ll go visit him. Not right now anyway. I haven’t seen him in 10 years, I can’t just go to his house and say hi. But maybe later, when things are better yet.

He told my mother that he had read my poems online. Poems I had written under another name. I wonder if that’s The Boy Who Really Needs from when I first started writing online. Or if it’s Plume. For all I know he could be reading this now. Hi Pelle!

Odd to think that people I used to go to school with have read my stuff. I wonder how he found them. I wonder if anyone else did. I wonder if they ever wonder about me or if I am just a faded memory.

I always wanted to be remembered…

4 Responses to “Rise Darth Plumious”

  1. Bunny Says:

    Oh, I looooooooove Jessica Alba. So, so much! And you know, George Lucas also thinks that there’s nothing wrong with a good despot. And yeah, the Empire was bad but at least they restored peace and order. You need a balance and the wussy Jedi alone can’t balance anything, if they were in charge there would be mayhem because they’re try to ‘diplomatically’ solve every problem and some problems can’t be solved diplomatically. And besides, they didn’t use democracy or diplomacy with Chancellor Palpatine, did they? They were just going to arrest him and in the Original Trilogy, the good side had no problem murdering the bad side. Oh! And when Anakin said that Obi-Wan was either on his side or he was an enemy, Obi-Wan said only Sith deal in absolutes, right? Well, Obi-Wan had no problems saying that Palpy was evil – absolutely. And how do we know the Empire is evil anyway? Because Lucas tells us so? Psh. Shenanigans!! Lol! Oh well, at least I have the ‘diplomatic when it’s possible, kick ass when it’s not’ world of Star Trek! :)

  2. Katherine Says:

    Can you imagine Bush as Darth Vader? Oh, but that would make it a comedy and spoil it. Even though we know Bush is evil, it’s hard to take him seriously as a force to be reckoned with.

    Here’s a pic for you. Imagine being hugged by an intelligent giant. Elephants remind me of extraterrestrials on the old Star Trek or Star Wars. Benevolent like Yodas only very very large. Like they look really really different from us but when they speak they’re full of wisdom and good advice. It’s like here I am on earth discovering an ancient and wise species.

  3. Katherine Says:

    oops, the pic didn’t take…check your gbook instead.

  4. grant Says:

    you know i actually had a similar thought about the empire not necessarily being that evil. It is pretty much on the point of view. I think in the end all forms of governments are oppressive on rights to a point because no government can truly rule with equality for such a large group of people. In a lot of ways what is the difference between America and the Empire?

    I think if people in general want a government they must be willing to lose rights and compromise because everyone is not going to agree. In that sense government is very anti-freedom. I think though its all in degrees and what people are willing to live with.

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