Friday, July 22, 2005

I Can’t Believe You Don’t Shut Up

Happy birthday to my mother. Fifty years old. That’s like… half a century, almost.

I managed to get the Willie Nelson CDs done. Unfortunately our printer sucks so the result don’t look too good. And why not take a picture to make them look even worse?


There ya go. Just a general impression. On the computer monitor I think they look really good actually. It makes me want to make mix CDs again so I can make more covers, haha.

“You would think it was bought in a store”. Said my dad. Haha. He doesn’t buy many CDs in stores I guess. But my mother was happy with them. My mother, my father and my grandfather. They were all very impressed. That’s great. It makes me happy to do something nice like this. We’re not the tightest, perfectest family. Doing something nice to surprise my mother, that’s good. I feel like a good son, for once.

Yes, my grandad is here. That’s nice too. He had that stroke recently, you might remember. He is looking even older and more frail than ever. I’m glad I’ve gotten to say hi to him. It may sound morbid, but you never know if I’d get another chance. He can’t travel much and neither can I, yet. When my grandmother died I hadn’t seen her for years. At least that won’t happen again.

We had more visitors earlier, my mother’s brother and his wife. It makes me a little stressed when people come in our house. It’s supposed to be my safe place. Where I can be myself and hide away if I need it. But it has just been one day, I shan’t complain.

Methinks I shan’t.

Went to the playground too. Per told me that they had pictures from the animal show up. You remember the animal show? When I won the first prize with Magnethe. When I got the gold medal. You remember the gold medal, right? The gold medal? Okay. Well, he told me that they had hung them up on the wall inside. So I went in and checked them out. Fun. And Magnethe followed me inside hehe. Then I went outside and I heard Alice (It’s a good thing I have a cast section, eh?) inside going “Magnethe, you’re not supposed to be in here”. And then I heard some kind of ruckuss, a bang. There are workers inside still, it sounded like some of their equipment fell on the floor maybe. And then Magnethe came sprinting out, baahing her little heart out. Such a cutie. She looks funny when she runs too. She swirls her head around, as if it gains her momentum. Maybe it does. It’s cute. Mads does it too I think. Not sure about Mathilde. I saw them all running today. There was a big truck that pulled into the playground. To heist out their big container, full of hay and junk I think. Anyway, a big noisy machine. That’s not something the goats like. As soon as the truck pulled out again they saw their chance to run as fast as they could, out on the horses’ field. Far away from the big noisy machine.

Now I must go. Get back to work on my fantabulous contraption that stops time. I have two days to get it done before vacation runs out. Where is Rambaldi when you need him?

2 Responses to “I Can’t Believe You Don’t Shut Up”

  1. Belinda Says:

    happy birthday to lasse’s mum!

  2. Kat Says:

    Happy Birthday to your Mom!

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