Guess who’s back from vacation? Suicidal Fish, our old pal.
Click it for the big one.
PS. I still love Mutts.
I know you have all missed him dearly.
So, they’re making a Doom movie. Mwaha. I can’t possibly see how that’s not going to be horrible. But on the other hand, if they just want to make a plotless CGI action film then why not?
People today probably don’t even know what Doom is. No, Doom 3 doesn’t count. The original shareware game. You kids are all too young to remember that. Now when I was a kid we didn’t have 3D accelarator cards or LAN play. We were lucky if our 3D was 2½D, normally we’d have to settle for 2D and be happy. Etcetera.
I have been reading my old PC Format magazines. It’s funny to look back. There’s an issue where they introduce Windows 95. Fascinating reading. Do you kids even know what Windows 3.1 is? Don’t come complaining about Microsoft unless you used Windows 3.1. You think you know. But you don’t.
Funny reading about this “internet explorer” thing that Microsoft were planning. An alternative to Netscape. You kids probably don’t even know what Netscape is, do you? You’re all a bunch of crazy loons, that’s why I love you.
A couple of leftover pictures from yesterday:
Magnethe reaching high. It shows off her stripe nicely, doesn’t it? She’s a pretty thing.
This one shows that there is still a size difference between mother and daughter. Magnethe has grown a lot but she still can’t match Mathilde.
Magnethe is still quite slim too. Someone should make an exercise program for the goats, they don’t really do anything other than eat all day. It looks pretty silly when Mads is running, he sort of wobbles along. His gut is so big. There was actually a woman who asked if he was pregnant. Aw, poor Mads.
And in keeping with the positive outlook I wanted to tell you about what happened when I went to the playground last Wednesday. It was raining a little so I thought the goats would be inside. I went to their house but no one was there. So I figured that maybe they’d be under the trees instead, out in the green area. I started walking in that direction. But then I heard Mathilde baahing behind me. I turned around and there were all three goats standing under the roof at the club house. They looked at me. And then they all three started baahing and running towards me. That made me happy. Can you imagine the scene? Mads, Mathilde and Magnethe storming to greet me while baahing with joy. I felt very appreciated.
And that ain’t not bad.
July 31st, 2005 at 21:39 e
They are your groupies, mate! ;) that is just adorable Plume! :)))
August 1st, 2005 at 10:27 e
Haha, I remember using 3.1 at school!
I don’t miss it. At all.
August 3rd, 2005 at 15:45 e
haha, old 3.1… sad to say I know it well. I remember life before before Pentium too. Kids now a days, they really don’t know. LOL