I must again thank you all for your support. I am spoilt. To know such good people.
And it feels good have written that entry. It feels like being in control. Like you said, Katherine, taking charge. It doesn’t feel like such a big dirty shame anymore. You guys almost made me feel silly for letting it be such a big deal hehe. That is a good lesson to learn.
Overall I am feeling quite good and cautiously optimistic. It does take time though. Twenty years of feeling like a worthless freak doesn’t just wash away overnight. But I’m in charge, and things are changing.
One bad thing about all this though. Remember the Tina Dickow Trax concert, the homecoming thing? The one where she will be playing in our neighbourhood? The one I didn’t get a ticket for? Well, I was offered the chance of buying a ticket that became available. But after talking to the doctor I have had to decline the offer. Darn it. The operation is on the 7th, the concert on the 11th. And according to the doctor I shouldn’t expect to be wanting or able to go. Sucks. I was looking forward to this a lot. Part of me wants to just buy the ticket and then hope for the best. Hope that I don’t feel so horrible that I can’t force myself to go. But I guess it’s unlikely. And it wouldn’t be fair of me to take up a ticket when I probably can’t go. Better that someone else gets the ticket and gets to enjoy the show. Sniffle. It sucks to be selfless.
Martyrdom is kinda neat, though.
And I still have a ticket for the Train show in November. I just… would have much rather gone to this one. If only I had known that I’d get a second chance for a ticket. I could have scheduled the operation for the next week. Wouldn’t have been a problem. But oh well. I will stop complaining, because all in all I am still quite fortunate.
Tomorrow I’m going to order Lost Season 1. It will be released on the 6th. So hopefully I’ll have a huge box set to entertain me while I’m on sickleave.
What else has happened? I almost wrecked my camera yesterday. At the playground. I let the kids borrow it. And one boy dropped it on the ground. Bounce. Bounce. Sand and dirt. Yikes. Luckily there was no damage. It works fine. Wouldn’t it just have been typical if it had been broken, after two months of waiting for it. Then I would have needed the extra insurance! But I got lucky. I better be a little more strict with the kids. Not let them run around so much with the camera. Tempting fate.
Mads has been acting. It’s “festuge” in Århus. The festive week. It’s a yearly tradition. And apparently Mads was cast in a Hans Christian Andersen performance. They needed a goat. According to Pernille he was quite the star of the show. And the performers took him with them when they had a lunch break because he didn’t want to be tied up alone outside. Haha. Doesn’t surprise me. He’s going to be starring tomorrow again. I wish, I wish, I wish I could go see him. That would be great. But it’s during work hours. And I’m not even sure exactly where it is. Too bad. Mads is a star, though, no doubt.
I helped herd the goats today. At closing time, when the goats had to go inside. They didn’t want to go inside. They never want to do what they’re supposed to, the little darlings. So Per asked me if I couldn’t walk towards their house so they’d follow me. They still didn’t want to go inside, but then I went inside myself. And they followed. And Per thanked me for the help. Haha. It still makes me happy that I have this special touch with the goats.
Finally, a funny thing happened at therapy today. The session itself went without incident. I didn’t get picked for any of the “hard” things, so it was a breeze. Apart from the fact that I had been tired all day, and then the natural drain of being in the situation. Very, very tired. But other than that it was pleasant. You remember that there is only one other guy in the group? And his name is Lasse, as well? And he’s the same age as me? Well, turns out he is a Brøndby fan just like I am. What are the odds? Seriously. We live in Århus, everyone here is a fan of AGF. What are the odds that there would be two Lasses in the same therapy group? And that they would both love Brøndby? Very odd. Maybe he is my evil twin. Except he doesn’t seem evil of course. Also, it wouldn’t make much sense for both twins to be called Lasse I guess. Unless his real name is Evil Lasse. But I don’t think so.
He seems quite nice. And the fact that he is a Brøndby fan makes him aaaalrite in my book. One of these days I must gather up my courage to talk to him about it. “So, you like Brøndby too, eh?”. A perfect excuse for social training.
Oh yes. Pictures. We can’t have an entry without a bunch of virtually identical pictures.
First off, the star of the show:
Mads poses for his headshots. He has competition though. Magnethe is brimming with starquality.
It’s interesting to observe how the goats interact. This is one of the rare times when Magnethe goes head-to-head with Mads. Normally she will run away. When I sit down, Mads will come to me and demand my attention. Pernille has said it a couple of times when he has chased Magnethe away: “Oh Mads, you want Lasse all to yourself, don’t you?”. Hehe. But Magnethe wants to come over to me too. So she sort of lurks around and waits for Mads to step away a little. Then she’ll carefully approach me, all the while keeping an eye on Mads to make sure he isn’t coming back. And if Mads does start coming back then she’ll spurt away. And then she’ll go nibble at some grass or something, but I can see her eyes sort of half-disguised looking up at me to see if Mads is still there. Waiting for another chance.
Mads doesn’t always chase the others away though. It’s mostly if he knows there is food to be had. Then he’ll mark his territory.
Luckily there are other food sources.
And cuddle sources.
And finally, just for a change, here is the group therapy room at the clinic:
With the famous whiteboard. Nicholas sits on the left chair in front of the board, and Signe on the right.
Just a quick shot from our break.
And that’s all I wrote.
August 28th, 2005 at 21:36 e
i still think the knife thing is way gross when you think of it :/ :)
but.. great that you wrote this entry
August 28th, 2005 at 22:43 e
Is that all? Well, I have big, ballooning, saggy, and very tender pregnant woman breasts, so there! Anyways, whilst I’m at it, I kinda thought it was every mans dream to have breasts – like, guys will say stuff like “if I had tits, I’d be touching them all day!” Like, when what’s his face had his head sewn on to what’s her face’s shoulder in Futurama, he was all sad when the boobs disappeared. I’m just saying you might realise once they’re gone what you’ve lost. Though, I guess, not feeling like a freak anymore will make up for it? I’m actually (besides all the stupid jokes) super happy for you and wish you all the best of luck with the op. I know how horrid it is to feel different – even if it’s because of something which isn’t your “fault” or isn’t even that different. You have made amazing progress with your social phobia and this is yet another huge step in the right direction. And I’m glad you chose to share it with us.
August 28th, 2005 at 23:00 e
Og….? Det er nu flot nok, at du erkender problemet, lader os andre følge med og gør noget! Du kan nu engang ikke bygge dit liv på, hvad tåbelige – eller måske tankeløse – tøser sagde for år tilbage.
August 28th, 2005 at 23:29 e
Hugs, Lasse. There is nothing more horrendous than feeling shame about one’s body and most of us do for one reason or another (except for the cursed movie stars who seem to have been born airbrushed.) You may feel you have a lot of stuff to work through still with your social discomfort, but it’s obvious you’re taking charge of your life more and more. I still have trouble making an appointment to see the dentist! This operation is another turning point for you. Doing what will make you feel better. I hope there won’t be too much pain afterwards, but if you have good meds you can enjoy your time off. I wish I could recommend some good DVDs but I’ve only seen crappy ones lately. I’ll post a private message in the gbook about some great sheep farm finds from the BBC.
August 28th, 2005 at 23:42 e
I admire your honesty and your openness. Good luck with everything. You deserve all the happiness in the world.
August 29th, 2005 at 12:27 e
You always manage to blow me away with your courage. I wish you all the best for what lies ahead in the next week or so.
August 29th, 2005 at 15:39 e
It is very rare that people like what they see in the mirror. Children can be cruel and say hurtful and scarring things. Unfortunetly not everyone in life cares about things outside themselves. To me that is ugly. It is easy to beat oneself up, but what i try to do is look at how I look at my friends, I don’t see what is ugly, I see them and of course I like what I see in others. It’s a matter of trusting that others see the real you and not our outer shells in all its human glory. Afterall we will all one day be the same and that is just simply dust. Take care and keep your head up man.
September 10th, 2005 at 1:35 e
Det er utrolig modigt og godt gået! Det er opmuntrende at se dit liv bare bliver bedre og bedre.
Keep it up!
Og tak for Tina-linket forresten;-)