Hi guys. I just flew in, and boy are my arms tired!
But seriously folks. I am drained. The first group therapy session is done. And it wasn’t easy. But it went well. I’ll get right back to that.
Happy birthday Skye!
She’s 22 today.
Sometimes I forget that we aren’t together anymore. We talk every day. We have this weird connection. We still care about each other a lot. She’s still the most important person in my life. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we broke up. Easier than remembering.
I guess I still see her as my great love. Although I’m not sure how healthy that is. Living in the past does not improve the future. But what can you do… No matter what, she will always be very special to me. Without her I would have never come this far. All this therapy and happiness and animals, all the good. She’s the one that pulled me out of the dark and into the light.
So happy birthday, my NL ex.
Like I said, I’m drained. I think I’ll write about the therapy tomorrow. The cliff notes: It went well, I got through and I’m optimistic about the future.
Now, here’s how I calmed my nerves:
The playgound. Kids borrowed my camera.
Mathilde and White continued their feud. They were ramming each other like crazy. So much that one of the kids rain in and told the adults about it. She came back with the message “just let them fight”. Hehe. I told the kids too, no one’s getting hurt. But it does look quite dramatic when they charge each other.
And some classic Mads vs Me:
“Do you have any food for me?”
“Okay, no food for me. Your hair looks yummy though.”
“If you won’t let me eat your hair then I’ll just rest my leg on your shoulder. That’ll teach you.”
Mads is fun in a bottle. The other day I heard the adults telling some kids about the time when Mads came to the playground. He’s two years old. Even when he was a little kid he was the same spunky charmer, taking charge and jumping over fences. I’d give anything to see him as a little adorable kid. He must have been so cute.
I wish I had started going to the playground years ago. Seeing Mads and Mathilde grow up, that would have been great. Who is this guy though? Maybe it’s Mathilde’s mother. It’s from 2003.
Anyway, that’s enough of that. Tune in tomorrow to witness the retconning of my psyche.
August 10th, 2005 at 1:28 e
Tillykke fra mig også – til Skye og til dig. Du er bare så heldig at komme fra et kæresteforhold med en rigtig ven. Det er faktisk sjældent, tro mig. Og hun vil altid være noget helt specielt.