Friday, August 19, 2005

Me, Mah Self And I

It is weekend, hooray!

Nowt much to report. A couple of quiet days. Before I go enjoy the weekend let me just post a million identical pictures from the last couple of days at the playground.

First of all, what is this:


They can’t all be chickens, right? Is it a turkey? Okay, chicken, swan, duck, turkey. What other options are there? For a guy who read a million books about animals as a kid, you’d think I knew more.



Mathilde was tied up yesterday.


She seemed okay with it for the most part. It just makes leaving hard. Because then she starts baahing like she doesn’t want me to leave. Aw. Breaks your heart, donnit?

Here’s a typical Mads shot:


That happens on a regular basis. I’ll start scratching him on his head and then he tries to eat my sleeve.

Magnethe has been quite feisty the last couple of days. She has started charging at some of the kids.


It’s so cute. Because she’s so tiny, she couldn’t hurt a fly.


But she still goes at it. I bet she has learnt it from Mads.


She doesn’t do it to me. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m too big a target, or because she likes me too much. I almost wish she’d do it though, because I find it extremely adorable.


She continued the next day, same girl. Yeah, Magnethe has got a will of her own. She’s growing up more like Mads than like Mathilde.

Speaking of Mads, he was the one who was tied down today.


And like you would imagine, he did not like it. Mathilde just accepts it, but Mads does not. He keeps baahing all the time. Especially when the other goats wander off a little. Mads does not like being left alone. Poor guy.

At one point I had followed Mathilde and Magnethe out on the grass field on the other side of the playground house. I was sitting there, enjoying their company. Then suddenly Mads came racing out on the grass. Pernille had set him free so he immediately came running out to join us.

Pernille told the goats to stay on the field, and then she said to me: “they probably won’t go anywhere as long as you’re here”. Sweet. And later on Per told me that they had tied down Mads and Mathilde the last couple of days because they had been wandering up in the ghetto appartment blocks. Probably because the sheep are gone. Yes, no more Black and White. They have left for pastures greener. Normally the sheeps would be tied down somewhere and then the goats would generally stick around the same area. But without the sheep, the goats started walking too far away again.

I’ll miss Black and White. sniffle.

I hope Mads never goes away. I found a great place to scratch him.


See. Sort of where his throat goes down to his belly. I don’t know what that place is called. He loves it when I scratch him there though. He stands completely still and gazes off in the distance. Closes his eyes in half and just enjoys it.

You know he loves it when he stands still. Not much can get that goat to stand still. He’s always trying to sniff for food or rub himself against something or generally get up to no good. It’s kind of nice that I have found his “weak spot” in case I need a little break from his rough-housing, hehe.

I love Magnethe’s voice. If you haven’t heard it yet, then download the third video here. It’s so sweet. Mads’ voice is sort of a girly miii. And Mathilde’s is a stronger maaaah. And then Magnethe, it’s like she can’t quite complete the maah. She only gets the “m” sound. M-m-m-m-m-ah. I love it. It sounds a little sort of sad and pathetic. Like “I’m a little baby, come and take care of me”.

She is my little sweet potatoe pie.

That’s all folks.

Listening: Sun Ra Arkestra – Fate in a Pleasant Mood (840901)

One Response to “Me, Mah Self And I”

  1. Anne Says:

    Det er moskusænder, de der sære fyre. Min mands fætter har haft en hel flok – nu er der to hunner tilbage, begge mere end 20 år og smakforkælede. Niels, fætteren, er blevet så glad for dyr, at han ikke mere spiser kød. Der gik indtil for få år siden to oldgamle køer på hans lille hobby-landbrug – de døde af alderdom. Og den skæbne får hans fire gamle får også. Jeg har fortalt ham om dig og gederne, og han forstår det frem for nogen.

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