Thursday, December 29, 2005

Anything Your Heart Desires

There are few things in this world that bring me as much joy as looking out the window and seeing snow falling.

The snowstorm didn’t really hit my region. But it did snow. All day. And I did feel a little nuts as I walked up to the goats. Dressed warmly from top to toe, braving the weather just to go say hello to some goats. Crazy old man Plume, the crazy goat lover. That’s me.

I didn’t get to spend much time at the playground though. They were closing early. Nobody wanted to get caught in the snow. They wanted to get home before the storm came. They were talking about tomorrow too, whether they’d be able to come in. They all live outside the city, with the small roads and all. They might be snowed in tomorrow. I think they were going to call Jannie and have her stand by. Jannie is the girl that feeds the animals in the weekends. With her family. She lives two minutes away from me. Practically neighbours. I should ask if they need help in the weekends. Any excuse to see the goats, you crazy old fool Plume.

I bought a slush-ice machine. Crazy Plume. I felt a little bad as the mailman came with it, dragging his way through the ever increasing snow fall. To deliver an ice machine. Haha. But it was the parcel mailman, he has a truck. So it’s not too bad. And I like my machine, I like having crushed ice. I always make a giant mess when I try to make crushed ice myself. Putting icecubes in plastic bags and hammering them until they break and ice flies everywhere. I’m not a handy guy. But I like ice in my drinks. And snow on the ground.

yay  snow

yay  snow

yay  snow

I. Love. The. Snow.

yay  snow

Bad nighttime picture. My mother looking out on me as I clear the pavement. It hurts my back a bit, but it’s my favourite job in the world. Shoveling snow, that’s my idea of a good time.

Now you all stay safe. Remember: fireworks are the devil’s idle playthings.

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