It’s Christmas Eve’s day. In Denmark we celebrate christmas on the 24th, so I’ll be having a nice christmas dinner and nice christmas presents tonight. Also, I’m going for a record in the usage of the word “christmas”.
Tis the season to be jolly, so from all of us to all of you:
Merry christmas! Or happy non-descript seasonal festivities. I hope your yule-tide will be gay, just watch out for missiles. What with the war on christmas and all.
Today would be a good day to check out the greetz page too. Just to see a little snow. And to see that it has been upated after almost a year’s worth of inactivity. Thank you Carole!
It’s been a nice Christmas Eve Day so far. I went up to the animals and said hello. When the barn is closed I can never be sure that I can see the animals. Of course they have to be fed every day, but I never know exactly when that will be. 10.30 seems like a likely time, and it worked today. It always makes my days a little better when I can see the goats. And I gave them some christmas treats of course. And said merry christmas to Jannie and her mother, they’re the ones who feed the animals when the playground is closed. Nice people.
I had an amazing dream last night. I won’t go into too much detail. Partly because the details are fading from my mind. Partly because everyone hates to read about others’ dreams. And partly because words can’t do it justice. It was beautiful, I went on a wonderful journey. I even saw a lion, I thought maybe I was in Narnia haha. It was a female lion though, no mane. And more beautiful things happened. And I knew I was dreaming. I remember thinking, in the dream, that I had never seen these places before, it must be a dream.
And when the dream was over I woke myself up. I was in the dream, I knew I had accomplished what I wanted. I wanted to wake up. So I started shaking. In the dream. And the dream faded and I was myself, in bed, shaking myself to wake up. What an odd, odd feeling. Like on TV, when you see a dissolve from dream to reality. When Bart is dreaming that he won first prize in a school contest. The teachers are saying “first prize, first prize, first prize” and then Bart wakes up and the scene disolves into Lisa, going “first prize, first prize, first prize”. That was sort of what it was like. Does that make sense? I was in the dream, shaking my body around and it disolved into reality, where I was also shaking my body around. In bed. I am rambling, yes? It’s just not often that happens. The awareness in the dream, that it is a dream. And being in control like that, forcing myself to wake up. I remember at one point in the dream I was actually worried I’d wake up. Because I wasn’t finished with what I was doing. So I thought to myself “I hope I don’t wake up yet”.
Oh darn, I promised not to go into detail. Too late now. But once again, everybody, merry christmas! Whether you celebrate today or tomorrow or some other day, or not at all. I’m not into the religion, my family isn’t big on traditions. But that doesn’t mean I can’t make it a happy day. All the commercialism, all the war on christmas, all the loneliness. It is only as important as you let it be, and today I won’t let it be important to me.
Love you all, love you all much. You are my presents, and I’d wrap you all up in love if I could.
December 24th, 2005 at 19:33 e
Plume, you are adorable. What cute pictures! I hope you have (had? too bad I am not better at math/time zones) a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year!!! :)
December 24th, 2005 at 22:58 e
A very merry X-mas to you too dear Plume!!! Your last words made me feel all warm and joyfull inside :)))
Oh, and according to old traditions, animals start talking on X-mas Eve… so don’t be surprised if they get a little carried away and tell you a couple of jokes the next day ;)
Lots of hugs and best wishes,