A new diamond sparkles, a new lamb at the playground.
I don’t think it has a name yet.
I wonder if it’s possible for a lamb to not be cute. Somehow I doubt it. All the little lambs I have ever seen have been wonderfully adorable.
That’s the mother. And there’s another new sheep at the playground, she was scheduled to give birth today.
So next time I go there might be more lambs. But I am not greedy, even one is great.
The downside is that the Prince and the twins have left. And so the seasons pass, we say hello and goodbye. For everyone that leaves us, new ones will take their place. Flowers will grow from the corpses.
A little sweetie. I look forward to getting to know him/her better.
Yesterday I talked to Bodil. That is the name of the old lady I sometimes see at the playground. She is nice, and good to talk to. She remembers my name, because she once had a dog called Lasse too. Now she has a dog called Lulu.
That is Lulu. It’s a bad picture, but you get the idea. A cute, tiny thing. I can tell that Bodil is very proud of her. She likes to talk about the race, which I have forgotten the name of. But how they are dogs of emperors and such.
I have been feeling sick. My body sore, and then my stomach started acting up. And tired, very tired. I did go to the playground today. There was an incident though. Mads almost knocked me out. He head-butted me right in the face. Luckily my glasses survived. It hurt like hell though. I am not a goat, I don’t have solid horns to take the blow. Ouch. It also wounded my pride a little. It was probably just the shock from the blow. But I started feeling sad. Self pity. “Oh even the goats don’t like me”. I know that’s silly, it’s not like Mads did it on purpose, and certainly not with any sort of malicious motive. My self esteem is just a little fragile. All it takes to blow it is a knock on the head, it seems. I actually cried a little. Sitting on the bench. Mads was being quite affectionate afterwards. I’d like to think that it was his way of saying sorry and trying to cheer me up. A typical trait of humans, to project human emotions on to (or should that be in to, or something else?) animals.
I didn’t stay sad for too long, it’s hard to stay sad when you have three wonderful goats around you.
Just looking at that face always makes me smile. My Magnethe. She has a little wound on her back. I went and told Per about it. It’s probably nothing. But it did look a little odd, not like cut or a bite or so. And a little bald spot around it. Very small though, and the surrounding fur would cover it. So you’d only notice it if you sat like some crazy person and scratched and nuzzled her for hours. I found it like that, by accident, and she freaked out. She did not like to be touched there. I had a hard time holding her still when I wanted to examine her to see what it was I had found. Poor girl. But I’m sure it’s nothing yes, I just wanted the playground people to know about it.
In other news: I have discovered Antony and the Johnsons. And fallen instantly in love. Hope There’s Someone is just about the most beautiful song I have heard in a long, long while.
Hope there’s someone who’ll take care of me
When I die
Will I go?
Hope there’s someone who’ll set my heart free
Nice to hold
When I’m tired
It makes me cry, like a goat’s butt on the head.
Speaking of music, the pumpkins revival continues. Maybe I will get to see them live some day after all. I can but hope.
News that I’m ignoring: The whole Jyllands Posten deal with the drawings of Mohammad. That situation is just completely grotesque. Burning the Danish flag? Wouldn’t it be something if World War III got started over some Drawings in a Danish newspaper? You’d never see animals start a worldwide war.
Flag burning, boycot, fatwa. And then our slimy prime minister on Arabic television. The whole thing is absurd. I wonder what the gods are thinking?
Okay, I’m ignoring it from now.
February 3rd, 2006 at 23:16 e
I had a dog called Lasse too, when I was a little girl. Now, I’m expecting a little girl, and her dog is called Angel. I’m trying hard also to ignore the news at the moment, cos it saddens me no end that my little girl will be born into a world so full of ignorance and misplaced anger. I just want her to be happy and live in a world where people aren’t always arguing. But I guess that’s too much to ask. But at least she’s got a guardian Angel;)
February 3rd, 2006 at 23:29 e
Det er en pekingeser, tidligere tempelhund i Kina, mens vi andre rodede med stenøkser. Forøvrigt en fætter til min moppe, Thor. Kun kejserens familie måtte ha’ pekingesere – andre fine folk måtte nøjes med mopper. Og Mads hakkede dig, fordi han tror, du er ved at overtage legen. Så’n er drenge. Og han har ikke ment noget ondt med det – det gør dyr nemlig ikke, og derfor er de på en række punkter bedre end vi dyr, som tror, vi kan tænke. Og så få en læge til at se på den mave – det er for tid, den te’r sig.
February 4th, 2006 at 8:43 e
Hehehe,.. slimy primeminister. Den var god ;)
February 4th, 2006 at 19:35 e
The new mother sheep has the same skinny face as her baby. I didn’t know family resemblance held that much in animals, although I suppose it makes perfect sense.
February 5th, 2006 at 0:42 e
newbies! fun :)))
my friend is a big fan of Antony and the Johnsons, he wanted to lend me their cd, but then I forgot to remind him. the next time I see him I’ll be like ‘remeber that cd u wanted to lend me. well, I want it now!’ ok ok, maybe I’ll say ‘hello’ and ‘how are you’ first. maybe ;)