My body feels like it has passed through a meat grinder. And then passed through it again. And then somebody jumped on whatever is left. But don’t worry, the Olympics are several months away. I will be in better shape by then.
Remember the ice? The ice diamonds and the ice layer on the snow with the funny goat walking? Videos here
And closeup of Magnethe. She has grown so big. I remember when I could pick her up and hold her. I’d break my back if I tried to do that today. Objectively maybe she isn’t as gorgeous as she was when she was a kid, but I still think she’s the loveliest thing in the world.
And finally me falling in the mud. D’oh! I should learn from the goats, stay away from the mud.
Achy, breaky heart.
February 5th, 2006 at 14:04 e
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