Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My Mind’s Eye

Uh oh. I did a stupid thing today.

I bought a new camera.

Oops! Haha. Oh well. Money is worth nothing in the bank.

Except for interest. And stuff.

Say hello to my new camera:



Sort of a funny shape, isn’t it?

Konica Minolta DiMage Z3. 12x zoom. 4 Megapixels. Anti-shake system. Fastest auto focus in the world. Video with audio. Also bought a 512mb memory card.

Oh yes. It’s not the best camera in the world. But then it wasn’t horribly expensive either. The main thing is the zoom. You will remember that zoom is important to me. Because I am often at a distance. 12x optical zoom is the highest you can get with digital cameras. Last I heard. So that was my main reason for buying this. 4 mpixels isn’t outstanding but it’s still an upgrade from my current camera. And the video with audio thing is really cool, plus it’s not limited to 16 seconds. So all in all this should be a pretty good improvement.

I haven’t gotten it up and running yet. But assuming it works to my satisfaction then I’ll be selling my current camera. Any Danes interested? It’s an Olympus, 8x zoom, 3megapix. It has served me well, a really nice camera. Original price was 2499 kr, I’ll give it away for 1300 kr. And I’ll throw in a 128mb high quality Olympus memory card. I guarantee you won’t find a camera this good for such a low-low price anywhere else. (Guarantee void in the real world)

Anyway, enough with the salespitch. I’ll be putting it up for sale in the local paper, just thought I’d offer it to you nice people at a special blog price.

Speaking of things for Danes, here’s a picture:


If you’re English you might be able to guess what the sign says… That’s right. It says “don’t park your bikes here”.

A nice day today. The camera obviously very exciting. At work I loaned 20 kroners to some girls. They were asking Thomas repeatedly, but he kept saying no. Then they asked me. I thought it couldn’t hurt to get some good-will like that. I don’t really know them. But now at least I seem like a nice guy.

And then I went to the playground. Hadn’t seen my goats since Thursday. Way too long. It was good to see them again. I missed them.

Both Mads and Mathilde were tied up today.


Mads did not like that, no. Actually he seemed quiet and happy enough when I came, but as soon as he saw me then he started baahing. He’s normally very quiet. Most days he doesn’t say anything at all. But being tied down was obviously not to his liking. He sees it as a great injustice, I’m sure. And he wanted me to know about it.

Poor guy.



You would expect that Mads has the deep voice since he’s the male. But his voice is actually quite light, soft. Mathilde’s is louder and more forceful.




Maybe he just needs to use his voice more often. He sure used it a lot today.


While Mads and Mathilde were complaining at the unfairness of the world, Magnethe was hanging out with the lambs.


I’m sure Mads must have been furious that the little goat kid was allowed to just run around while he, the king of the playground, had to stay put. The gall!



Magnethe is so cute. Magnethe is so cute, so cute. I had some old bread with me. It’s so much fun when she is crawling all over me, trying to get the bread. Poking me with her legs. Licking at my hands to get all the crumbs. I just want to take her home and keep her all to myself. But that would be awful selfish of me.

I decided Mathilde and Mads needed some company so I carried Magnethe down to them. She quickly saw the chance for some feeding.


I wonder how long she will drink from Mathilde? Mathilde’s teats are getting smaller I think. Less milk. And Magnethe’s have started growing. Little nubbins under her belly.


I love all my sweet goats. It’s kind of sad that they have to be tied down. But I guess they have to learn that they mustn’t wander away from the playground. At least not all the way out on the roads.

While I was sitting with them Per came to take them back to their house. He said “Oh you guys are lucky that you have someone to keep you company”.

I hope they appreciate that. I talked to Per a little before he took them away.



He told me the same thing that Kurt had said. About how they’d gone out on the road and the cops had come. And he told me that Mads usually understands why he gets tied sometimes. If he eats the kids’ lunches or he rams them, then he knows he’s done something bad. But he doesn’t understand it now, because he doesn’t know that going out on the roads is wrong. So I guess that’s what he has to learn.

Poor guy though. Goats should be free to adventure, that’s half the fun of them.

I went shopping after leaving the playground. And ran into two of the girls from there. The ones that usually borrow my camera and ask me to take pictures of them. They said “hiii” in unison. Cute. I like that. They recognise me, talk to me outside the playground. I feel like such a… person.

That’s all for today. Tomorrow I’m going to the hospital for examinations and consultations. And if that doesn’t exhaust me too much then maybe I’ll get my new camera up and running. Ooh.


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