I love my new camera! Oh yeah! I have only been using it for two days, but I am over the moon with it.
It’s not like the quality of the pictures will be better. If I didn’t tell you that I had gotten a new camera you probably wouldn’t notice. But the mega zoom and the video function. That’s good stuff.
Look at that. Now it’s not a spectacular picture. It’s not even interesting. It’s just your standard “Plume takes a picture of Mathilde” picture. But it was taken with full zoom. 12x. And it’s not horrible. With my old camera pictures almost always turned out blurry if I used full zoom. And that was 8x. This is 12x and no blur. I love this anti-shake thing.
I would give you an example of the videos, because I love that too. But that’ll have to wait for tomorrow. I made a bunch of videos but I need to pick out the best ones and edit them somewhat. But I absolutely love that I can take higher resolution videos. And that they have audio. You’re finally going to get to hear Mads and Mathilde! I bet you can’t wait. I know Mads has been dying to say hello to you all.
Let’s just take some pictures for now. More Mathilde, you say? Okay then.
Hehe. They always look funny when they eat. It’s like their lips get longer, stretching out to grab the food.
The usual girls. You can see my plastic bag in the background. And the little wooden step. That’s where I usually go when I leave the playground. Up over the fence there and then down through the trees and out to the road. And then it’s a five minute walk and I’m home.
Mathilde staying in the shade. It’s been a couple of hot days. Summer seems to be here.
Mads trying to appear stoic. “Pssh. I don’t care if I’m tied up. I could get loose if I wanted to. I’m the king. I can escape anything. I just can’t be bothered. I’m cool. I’m hip. Nothing touches me”. Hah. He can’t fool me.
When people come around then the baaahing starts. Normally Mads would run up to everyone to see if he can smooch some food. But when he’s tied down then he can’t do that. I imagine he’s going something like “Pay attention to me. Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I’m over here. Come to me. Feed me. Cuddle me. I’m everso special!”.
I try to give them all equal amounts of attention. Don’t want anyone to feel left out. I love all three of them.
Princess Magnethe.
I bought a tripod for my camera today. A couple of these were taken with it. Just testing it out. I felt like such a “photographer”. It’s not like I’m really going to be using it much. But handy to have. For photo expeditions. I can’t exactly carry it around with me every day.
In other news: I will be going to my very first concert soon! Concerts even. Assuming tickets are still available, but I would think so. Spot 11. A sort of mini-festival in Århus. It’s not a real festival I think, it’s more like a bunch of concerts at different venues. Under the same heading. The main attraction for me is my old schoolmate Tina Dickow, of course. Looking at the band list I see other good possibilities. Especially Carpark North. And also Kira & The Kindred Spirits, Moi Caprice and Mikael Simpson & Sølvstorm. I don’t know how much I will want to go see. But Dico and Carpark for sure. Any Danish people want to recommend other bands from the list? I’ll take it into consideration.
It’s exciting. Finally I’ll get to experience live music alive instead of recordings. And it should be really good therapy training too. Plus it’s like 20 minutes by bus, so if it all gets too much then I’ll just go home again. It’s not like a real festival, it’s not like sleeping in a tent at Roskilde with 100,000 others. I have high hopes for this. I love music. It will be so good if I’ll be able to go to concerts.
Now if I only I could figure out how to tape the shows I watch… I’d love to add them to my collection. To never forget.
That’s all for today. Have a lovely weekend, mes petites folles.
May 28th, 2005 at 18:36 e
Congratulations on your new camera! The colours are brilliant. The concert should be a lot of fun and another venue to take interesting photos. With my camera I understood that digital zoom can make things more pixelly so I rarely use that feature, but optical zoom doesn’t. Though I’ve had some blurry optical zoom shots. It all depends on how close I am to the subject or object when I use it I guess. 12X zoom sounds pretty exciting.