Tired like a Monday morning.
I live on nuts and pills. The pills make me less nuts.
I’m reading Edgar Allan Poe. Would you believe that I have never read anything by him before? I went to the local used-books store. To get some reading material for my breaks at work. Got some English books. Among them a Poe collection. And A Tale Of Two Cities. I figured that it was about time that I read some classic literature. Poe is a bit heavy though. Certainly not the kind of English I’m used to. But it’s interesting too. And you have to read Poe, right? If I can watch horror movies then I can read Poe.
Been house hunting. Finally put myself on the waiting list for a number of different places. My highest rank is 53rd on one of them. So I guess it will still take a while before I get anything. But that’s okay. The prospect of moving out is still scary like a horror novel. Being completely alone. It’s odd how I have always isolated myself yet the idea of being completely on my own is terrifying.
It’s not so bad anymore though. I am almost ready. As ready as you can be. Some day you just have to the leap. Out of the nest.
Looking at appartments was almost exciting. I was planning to get a place in Bispehaven, the ghetto slum at the playground. But there were many other places. Downtown. In the center of Århus. That would be cool. Hip and happening. I have lived in the suburbs all my life. I wonder if it would be very different to live downtown? I am not ranked very highly on those places though. And they’re more expensive. So it’s still most likely that I’ll get a place in the suburbs. The plus side of that is that the playground will be close. And spots of nature. I’m not sure I would like to spend my life in the middle of an everlasting traffic jam.
I wish I could move in to the playground. I could live in the goat house.
Went there after work. Mads came running up to me when he saw me. That’s always one of my favourite moments. When he sees me and he starts walking to me. And then he gets a big cuddle. While he tries to at my coat.
He got stuck in a fence today. Mads.
That fence behind him there. Is that called a fence? I can’t remember if there’s another name for it. But nevermind. He got his head in there. And because of his horns he couldn’t pull it back out. I tried to help him but it’s surprisingly hard to get a goat to do what you want. Of course he doesn’t understand that when I’m pushing his head down I’m just trying to get his horns clear. So he pushes up. I was trying to get him out for a few minutes. Then one of the supervisors saw it and yelled out “is he stuck?”. I said yes and the supervisor started coming over. But then whooopty, Mads’ head came out. I’m glad he wasn’t mad at me for pushing his head. I was worried he wouldn’t understand what was going on, that he thought I was the one holding him captured. But no worries.
The supervisors were working. Rebuilding some of the fences I think.
A couple of kids were helping them. But only for 10 minutes, then they got bored and left.
Look at how Magnethe is growing. She will be as big as Mathilde soon.
I like that last picture. Magnethe is a pretty girl.
A handicapped boy came by.
It was sweet to see him get all excited when he got to touch the lambs. He couldn’t move very well. The lady had to push him around on a sort of kart. But she managed to maneuver him close enough to the lambs. There is no better therapy than animals. I should know.
But I’m very tired. So I’ll finish here. Tomorrow I’m going to the cinema. Wish me luck. If everything goes well then maybe I will manage to see Star Wars eppy 3 when it comes out. That would be swell.
Finally, my brother:
Listening: Something Corporate - Forget December
May 10th, 2005 at 2:43 e
wow, she is getting huge. i remember when she was a tiny tiny little baby. we’re all watching her grow up too!! good luck at the movies. that should be very fun for you. where is black? i miss black. i love that little lamby.
May 10th, 2005 at 10:51 e
nice pic that first one