Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Shiver The Whole Night Thru

Speaking of lambs jumping in the snow, I updated the video section today.

Lambs in the snow. So now you know.

Also Tulle baahing in the snow. I had good times with Tulle today. When it was feeding time she was the first goat to get inside. And that meant she was the first to come back out. So I got some alone time with her. Gave her some raisins. She seemed to like them a lot. She even jumped up with her front legs on the fence, like the other goats do. She wouldn’t really let me scratch her. But it’s just a matter of finding the right spot so it feels so good that she has no choice. I’m sure she must have a spot like that too.

Finally, Mads, the selfish little terrorist. He makes this odd guttural sound when he knows I’m getting treats from my pocket and the other goats are near. It seems like he can’t decide whether to chase away the other goats or if he should attack my pocket and try to steal the treats instead. It’s only in that specific situation that he makes the sound. When he gets frantic over treats while the other goats are near. I have noticed that the buck makes similar kinds of sounds, but he does it more often. In other situations too. Maybe Mads doesn’t do it so often because he is neutered. Speaking of that, I wonder if Mads’ girly voice is a normal pygmy goat voice. If that’s just how they sound. Or if his voice changed because he got neutered. I’ve never heard other pygmies.

So anyway. Last night I got up and vomitted. Didn’t sleep much. Good times. I could have staid home, but I felt the need to get out. Maybe because there was still snow on the ground. Snow makes me happy. Animals in the snow is the cure for everything.

So there. I hope I can sleep better tonight. Maybe I should count sheep. Or snowflakes.

Monday, November 28, 2005

In The Snow, In The Snow, Where The Sun Will Never Shine

I woke up in the middle of the night. It was storming outside. It sounded like rain, but when I looked out of my window everything was white. It was snowing. Probably mixed with rain. Sleet.

Is there anything better than waking up to the sound of snow? It certainly beats waking up to the pain in your neck and back. Ouch. It has been brewing over the weekend. First it was my back, now it is my neck mostly. I guess it’s from the concert on Friday.

Tired and aching. But so pretty outside.

the playground in the snow

So wonderfully pretty it is. And so heartbreaking cruel to hear the trickling water and knowing it will be gone soon. It’s too early in the year yet for long-lasting snow. But this made my day.


Animals in the snow.

sheep and lambs in the snow

That makes me happy, doubly so.

Mads  in the snow

Mads was walking around on his own, looking for food. I hope the breeding is done soon, so I can have the gruesome threesome of Mads, Mathilde and Magnethe back. They belong together.


Tulle is sweet though. I’m liking her a lot. She reminds me of the shy goat Mathilde used to be. She ate from my hand today, Tulle. I think I could help her get less shy, like I helped Mathilde. But she’ll only be here for a week or two longer. And I can’t really get alone time with her, because every time I go up to the fence Mathilde and Magnethe come running. And when they come then Tulle runs away. She still keeps to herself mostly.


You can see the resemblance though.


If not in the face, then in the body. In the face Tulle almost looks more like Magnethe.

Goats over the fence

It’s always funny to see the goats at the fence. They stick their faces into every space they can find, poking out their tongues, hoping for treats. And Mathilde is so limber, she can get her front legs all the way up on top of the fence. You know, she likes to poke me to get me to feed her. Even with a fence between us she still gets her leg all the way up there and tries to poke me.

And then of course there are the twins.

lambs in the snow

lambs in the snow

I love the way they look up at you, curiously. “What a big sheep you are, even bigger than my mummy!” they must think.

lambs in the snow

lambs in the snow

The lighting wasn’t so great, but who cares. Lambs in the snow. Precious. One of my favourite things in the world is seeing lambs jumping in the snow. It is such a mix of cuteness and beauty and happiness and innocence.

And in a world like this, that can’t be bad.

Speaking of things that can’t be bad, and by that I mean Tina Dickow, I got a CD from her in the mail today. Well, from her mother. A promotional single. They had some left over and I was lucky enough to get one. Tina’s mother offered tickets to me for that local concert, you’ll remember. I had to turn them down because of my surgery. But I just think it nicely illustrates that their family must be the nicest family in the world. I am always saying how Tina’s sweetness and kindness is one of the things I remember. And you can see where she gets it from.

Kindness to strangers, that can’t be bad.

Now I must go and tend to my aching muscles. Remind me that I want to talk about light therapy. In case I forget.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Tina On The Train

So on Friday I went to see Tina Dickow.

The concert was at Train. It’s sort of a combined night club and concert venue. Down by the harbour, just 5 minutes away from Kulturgyngen where I work. So I knew where I was going. I was early too. I walked around outside, in the night. In the cold. No snow left, but a wintery night nonetheless. I was wearing the scarf that Skye gave me. It always reminds me of her. Of how she found it funny that I had never had a scarf. Even when I was a kid and I’d go out and play in the snow I wouldn’t be wearing one.

But I digress. I got into Train. Smuggling in my camera and minidisc recorder. Although this time the tickets didn’t say anything about recording devices being prohibited. So strictly speaking I wasn’t as much smuggling as… carrying. I had to check my jacket at the entrance though. I wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t like it. I feel more comfortable in a jacket. And I look more presentable too. A 1995 Mellon Collie tour shirt isn’t exactly fashionable these days I bet. But the bouncer wouldn’t let people in with their jackets on. I guess that’s the night club way.

And that was really the main negative point about the evening. The night club setting. My firsts concerts have all been in pretty big, fairly open places where people came to hear the music and nothing else. In Train there were people drinking and laughing and talking loudly.

Vi skåler med vores venner
og dem som vi kender
og dem som vi ikke kender
dem skåler vi med

Drinking chants. Also there were bars on both sides of the room, so I couldn’t go and stand off to the side against the wall. Instead I went upstairs. On the balcony. There was a bar there too, of course. But I could go off to the corner and have a nice view down to the stage.

I am still not ready to stand in the middle of the big crowd on the central floor. I just can’t do that. In time, I hope. But not yet. I liked my spot though. Good view. But also so far away that all the drinking patrons were disturbing. Sitting and talking in the bar, it just isn’t right to me. Go to a pub or something. One of the encores was so quiet and gentle that I couldn’t hear a thing of it. Bands should give private concerts to me, that way I could have center stage and not be disturbed by people who want to have fun. Psssh, fun. I’m not jealous just because I have to hide alone in the corners, nope. Not at all.

My spot was right under the air conditioner. Literally, that big pipe under the ceiling. Nice and cool. And helped against the smoke.

All of the little annoyances faded away when the lights dimmed and Tina came out on the stage. That’s what I was there for. Cigarettes, beer and smalltalk be damned. The music is what filled the room.

And it was a great performance. Tina is great. The band is great. A beautiful act of mutual creation.

The highlight for me was her cover of In The Army Now. Which I gather she hadn’t played since 2001. It was very beautiful. Even with the drunken chorus chant from the bar.

Some people came and stood almost in front of me at one point. So I had to move. But then the air conditioner pipes got in the way. So I had to sort of hunch down. Or stand behind the people and look over their shoulders. Halfway through the concert it occured to me that I could actually sit down under the pipes. Perfect view of the stage. I should have sat there all night.

A beautiful show. Tina makes me happy. It feels special, to know her in some tiny way. It takes everything to a new level, seeing her on the stage. And I love the way she has made her career. In a time where it seems like you have to be a product to be succesful. She has worked her way to where she is now. No shortcuts.

I can’t say enough good things about her. You should go see her if you get the chance. She will be opening for A-ha in England in December. Tour dates. Do me a personal favour and go see her.

I wish I could have talked to her after the show, just to say hi and tell her how great it was. But I guess everyone would want to do that. There was some guy on her official forum who managed to do it, but I don’t know if that was backstage or if she went in the bar afterwards or something. I figured I didn’t have a chance so I exited to catch my bus. It took around 20-25 minutes to get out. I was smashed up in the middle of the crowd, everyone trying to get out and get their clothes in the wardrobe. The good thing is that I didn’t feel the phobia. I had people pressed up against me, the queue moving slowly, sloooowly. But I didn’t panic or anything. It was just annoying.

Also I think I had my first homosexual experience ever. And my first heterosexual since Skye. Seriously. I felt like two asses and three boobs. If you ever feel that you need some physical contact, just go stand in a queue at Train. Or just if you want to be molested.

All in all it was a great time. I didn’t care much for the setting. But Tina and the music was worth it. She is beautiful beyond this world, her songs are gentle and swinging. Always a good time.


Tina Dickow live in Train

More pictures and videos in the works. Now it’s getting late and I must rest, for the future is around the corner.

Sorry it took so long, Danny! Haha. Don’t worry about the goats, their fur gets thicker in the winter. They’ll be fine. If you start a Tina posse, I’ll be there fair and square.

2 Responses to “Tina On The Train”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I visited TD’s web site and listened to a few tracks from “Far” – her new mini album. I’d like to buy it when it hits amazon.com. She has a beautiful voice and I like her guitar work. I didn’t realize her music was in English. She reminds me of someone but I can’t think of who right now.

    Sometimes bars are really lousy places for musicians. Depends on the music, I guess. There’s a pub here that features blues acts from all over the world called The Yale and most of the time the audience is very much in sync with the musicians. It’s a small traditional kind of pub… The best place I’ve ever listened to live music was New York City. There are many venues and everyone seems to be very respectful.

  2. Danny Says:

    :D Sounds like you had the best time. I would’ve been there as well but I’m always too late, and of course the tickets were all sold by the time I got around to looking :(I did get to see her the week before though, so it’s all good :)Did they do “So Long Hearts” as the encore? Is that the one you were talking about, when you said the crowd were drowing it out? Cos when they did that at the concert I saw, it was so ace. I would love to say it was the best song, but really…all of them were the best, haha!Oh, also…I saw “Far” on http://www.imusic.dk . They have it in stock for some reason, even though it wasn’t released in Denmark. You had that on your Amazon wishlist and I thought I would let you know, cos it might be easier(possibly cheaper? definitely quicker) to get it when there aren’t international shipping charges and import taxes to worry about…cheers mate!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Off To See The Tina

Guess what?

It snowed today! Yay. I love the snow, the pretty, cold diamondfillings. Winter’s first snow, it’s always a treat. Okay, it didn’t snow a whole huge lot. But to me any snow is good snow.

first snow of the winter

I hope there will be more. Although I must remember to dress more sensibly. I was freezing my ears off as I stood and watched the goats in the snow.

Tulle, the goat in the snow

That’s Tulle. With twin sister Mathilde in the background, looking on.

So that was quite a nice surprise today. And tonight I’m going to see Tina Dickow, live in concert. Hopefully that will all go smoothly and I’ll have a good time. I must admit that I’m not feeling much like staying out late, I’d rather snuggle up in bed and sleep. But it’s Tina, so it will be worth it. Plus, the new Plume doesn’t avoid things. Nope. The new Plume faces his fear etcetera.

Speaking of Tina, I got a comment from Uffe. From our old class. On the googling old classmates post. I think he and Tina were something of an item back then. Thanks for the comment, Uffe! I remember you clearly. Well, as clearly as you can remember someone through a haze of 10 odd years.

But enough about the past. Tonight is the future, tomorrow is the day after. Etcetera. Off to see the show, tell you all about it later.

3 Responses to “Off To See The Tina”

  1. Danny Says:

    Wow…my brother said it had snowed, but I wasn’t awake to see it before it was gone. That’s the problem with Danish winter, it’s only great for a few moments and then it all turns to slushy and cold darkness. Much like other things in life :(
    Don’t you think the goats get cold though? Or will their fur protect them? I wish I had fur. That would be fully cool. I haven’t really ever met a person who had fur. Hair, sure, but fur? Hmm.
    Err yeah, I was going to wait with the comments until you had posted about your concert experience but since I’m so impatient, I’ll just start off early, hehe. I

  2. Danny Says:


  3. Danny Says:

    hey :( this thing wont let me post anymore than that. i’m sorry lasse, i didn’t mean to stuff up your comments system :(

    here’s the last bit:

    I heart Tina Dickow :D
    Random Tina D google searches are what brought me here, actually. I’ve just been to a concert with her myself so I’m irritating the piss out of everyone by talking about it constantly hehehe. She’s so great though :)
    And I’ve forced everyone to buy her new cd. Fancy starting a Tina posse, Lasse? We can collect “dummebøder” from people who don’t show the love! :D

    Alright, in case you were wondering, I’m Danish myself and living in Aarhus but I just felt like writing this in English…cos your blog is in English…and all that…

    Either way, I’m looking forward to reading about the concert, so hurry up, will ya mate?

    Cheers from Danny :D (who is very excited, could you tell? haha)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I’m sorry.

cutey lamb

I’m so sorry.

cutey lamb

I just can’t help it.

cutey lamb

Look at their little faces don’t you just want to hug and squeeze and love them forever and ever?

cutey lamb

Okay, okay. I’ll stop. Let’s take Mathilde’s twin instead.

Tulle louse


Tulle louse

I think she’s feeling more at home now. She eats from my hand, comes up curiously. She does keep to herself still though. If the other goats approach her then she’ll usually back off. The buck is much more confident, he’ll get in there and butt around with the others.

Happy Thanksgiving? I think. I would like to give thanks for the baby lambie jambies. And for you guys, for you’re jolly good fellows.

Three videos of the lamb twins.. Awesomely cute. I love their little baby baahs, it’s so schweet.

I can’t help myself.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Because You’re Gorgeous I’d Do Anything For You

There is no such thing as too much cute.









Yeah, sorry. But it’s not my fault. I didn’t make the rules. It’s right there, rule #6; Thou Shalt Post A Billion Pictures Of Lamb Twins.

Who am I to argue?

Also a couple of pictures for my goat community.

Mathilde and me

Mathilde through the fence.

Mathilde and me

Why must they keep us apart, oh why? Starcrossed lovers. Or well, the hazelnuts probably is a factor too.

Let’s not forget the third lamb. The Prince.

lamb and horse

Fy og Bi. He was humping the twins. He was. I swear. He’s what, two weeks old? Isn’t it a little early? They grow up so fast.

I’ve had a decent day today. For a Monday. I was almost not tired. Had enough to do at work. And then all the wonderful animals at the playground. Not half bad.

I have, however, not read The Little Prince or Kammerat Napoleon. I blame my teacher. And everyone else but myself.

One Response to “Because You’re Gorgeous I’d Do Anything For You”

  1. Anne Says:

    Den lille prins er også en bog at få forstand af – specielt fortællingen om det af være tam. Der er dog ikke så meget om geder – den tamme med den smerte og det savn, der må betales for at elske nogen, er en ræv.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


If you haven’t seen them yet, then please do scroll down and see the two earlier entries. About twins and young Mads. They are full of cuteness.

Today there is not much. I’m enjoying the last gasps of the weekend. And here are three pictures taken in the evening or night:

good evening

good evening again


We only come out at night, the days are much too bright.

Also I have been seeing this sticker different places around town:

expect resistance

On trash cans and signs and such. I wonder what that is all about. I bet it’s some underground terrorist army getting ready to overrun us all. Maybe. In any case, I’m expecting resistance.

Today I made a goat community on livejournal. Because I love goats and I would like to share that love with others. I am not expecting it to be a success though. It will probably die a slow, painful death. But now you can’t say I didn’t try. If you’re a livejournal user and you like goats, or you just want to make me happy, then please do join and contribute and promote and be happy, for god’s sake be happy!

If you only listen to one thing I say, then let that be that.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Mads Is On Top Of Things (pun)

So yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the playground. I went and had a piece of cake and some tea. I only stayed for about an hour though. I didn’t really feel at home, sort of caught between the grownups and the kids. Not quite able to make conversation with the adults, and too old for the kids.

I sat at the kid’s table. Haha. Well, there were no seats left at the adult table. And there were no kids at the kid’s table. So I just sat there with my tea. When some of the adults left, a nice woman asked me if I didn’t want to sit at the grownup table. Heh. That was nice. I like when people recognise me as an adult, because I don’t always look or feel like it.

It was just a small, thing, not too many people. But okay social training. And I did get one really great thing from it. I got to see pictures of Mads when he was young. Ohohoh. I have been wanting to see that so much.

a very young mads

Aw lookit him! Mads the kid! Isn’t he adorable? I just want to pick him up and hug and squeeeeeze him. Those things in the foreground are pens. Magic marker type pens. For scale. So you can see how tiny he is.

And you can understand why he is so used to getting his own way. Grown up being the centre of attention, loved and hugged by everyone. Kurt told me a great story about him. When he was just a kid he was the only goat at the playground. And there was only one sheep too. That was Fregne by the way, who just got those two lovely twin lambs. But back then it was just Mads and Fregne. And Mads lived on Fregne. Yes, that’s how Kurt described it. Mads would actually sit and and stand on top of Fregne! Have you ever heard anything so amazing? I love it. When they came and opened in the morning Fregne would stand up. And Mads would be lying on her back. And he’d stand up too. And Fregne would walk out, with Mads standing on her back. Can you begin to fathom the wonderfulness of that scenario?

If you think I’m making it up, look at this:

goat on top of sheep!

Isn’t that just the absolutely greatest thing in the world? I just just just love it so much. My wonderful Mads. Oh how I wish I had been there when he was such a small, cute litlte scamp. But at least I have seen the pictures now.

Maybe my great love for Mads is making me enjoy it too much. But tell me, dear neutral reader, am I wrong? Or isn’t that just a wonderful story and picture?

It’s hard to believe he was ever that small. Now he’s such a fat terrorist, yes he is. I just want to talk to him in baby pludder, yes I do. Yes I do.

Oh mercy.

Oh, and Katherine, I completely know what you mean about Magnethe. She has grown a lot, she’s almost as big as Mathilde now. But she’s still my little girl. I can’t even think of that buck going near her, it will traumatize me. Why do they grow so fast, our little ones?

3 Responses to “Mads Is On Top Of Things (pun)”

  1. traci Says:

    aww that is awesome lasse =)

  2. Katherine Says:

    That is an amazing photo of Mads and Fregne. What a wonderful sheep she is to have let Mads do that! He must have been a handful as a baby…just as big of a handful as he is now! I wonder how goats and elephants would get along…I bet they’d be just fine. Animals seem to get along for the most part…and humans…they start wars because they wear different head gear!

  3. Anne Says:

    Dejligt billede. Kan du huske geden i Kammerat Napoleon, som du helt sikkert læste i skolen?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Horny Goats

Ahlritey then. Let’s see if we can get this show on the road. Let me take you back. Way back. Back to Tuesday.

I was walking around the corner, towards the new goat fold. Through the wooden planks I spotted a blur of white. And thought to myself “Ah, there’s Mathilde”. Then I spotted another blur of white. And thought to myself “Hey, there’s… what?!”. A new goat. I thought at first that it would be Mathilde’s sister. But when I walked up close I could see it was a male.

The new buck.

the buck and Mathilde

Here with Mathilde. He doesn’t have a name, although they call him “bette ski’”. Which I won’t translate. He’s the son of “bette fis”, another buck they have had at the playground.

I will call him Buck. Because that seems to be a good name for a buck.

Per, the buck and Mathilde

Per with Mathilde and Buck. I talked to him about the new guy. I have been talking a lot with the people at the playground, it’s nice.

He said that he didn’t know if I should go into the fold. Buck seemed nice enough. But the smell was bad. I didn’t actually notice the smell at first. But then it came to me. Powerful. If you’ve met a buck then you probably know the smell.

Truth to be told I don’t mind the smell that much. But if I’d gone in there with them then I’d end up stinking too. So I stayed out. Even from just scratching his head I still came home with a buckish odour on me.

He seems like a nice goat though. I was expecting some testosterone pumped crazy animal, charging at everything. But he was pretty calm. Sometimes when Magnethe or Mathilde came close to him he’d start sputtering these weird sounds, with his tongue out, almost licking them on their backs. And then mounting them. Magnethe did not seem thrilled. She butted him away several times. Mathilde didn’t have a problem with it though. She let him get up there and didn’t make a sound. She would butt him sometimes when they were walking around, but she didn’t push him off or anything. Love at first sputter.

With the new buck there, what happened to Mads? He was supposed to go off to fat camp, you’ll remember. But plans changed. With the new goat fold Buck and Mads can be kept separate. So Mads has been allowed to stay at the playground. Good for him. And me. I asked Kurt how long they were expecting Buck to stay. And he said that it might be to the middle of December. So that’s a month or so. Longer than I was expecting. I wouldn’t have been happy if Mads had been gone for a month. I’m glad he’s staying.

Although it’s not perfect for him of course.

Mads left alone on the outside

He was walking around outside, looking in to the others. Per said you could see he wasn’t happy about it because his tail was down.

I didn’t see any real aggression between Buck or Mads. At one point Mads was sort of butting up against the planks while Buck was on the other side. But other than that they didn’t seem overly interested in each other. It seemed to me that they could actually be okay together, in the same fold. But I don’t know. Maybe it was the wooden fence that kept the tempers down.

Mads alone inside

He has to be on his own inside too. But he’s being a trooper. And everybody keeps saying that he’s lucky to have me to keep him company. Hehe. I feel appreciated.

I was starting to wonder why Mathilde’s twin sister wasn’t there. I had been told she would come together with the new buck. But before I got around to asking anyone, I noticed more new animals. Over the fence, past the path, over the next fence. Polka and the Prince were grassing. But they had company.

Fregne and her lambs

Aw! Baby lambies! Twin baby lambies. It’s almost too cute.

adorable lamb

I love lambs when they are so young. They’re like puppets of ultimate cuteness. Their looks and sounds are almost unreal. It’s like they are born from a universe of cuteness and they are still adjusting to our, less wonderful, universe. Like they have to tone down their cuteness to fit into our world.

They were named while I was there. By suggestion of a girl called Shermin, I think. I’m not sure of the spelling. But she’s one of my favourite kids, she’s been featured in several pictures previously. Being butted by Magnethe for example. I like her. Anyway, she was tormenting Kurt. “Can’t they be called Camilla and Mille, can’t they can’t they can’t they?”. And he finally gave in. So that’s Camilla and Mille. The mother is called Fregne. Which means “freckles”. She’s a playground veteran. She had lambs at the playground last year too. She looks thinner than Polka. And older. I guess she is.

And the lambs were bouncing around. Like pop corn popping. It never fails to make me laugh, the way they seem to be incapable of not spontaneously jumping around.

So that was a good day.

Then fast-forward to the next day. I go to say hello to Buck and the gang. And this time there are three blurs of white. Mathilde’s twin sister has arrived!

Let me introduce you to Tulle.

Tulle, Mathilde's twin sister

There she is. I remember when I was first told that Mathilde had a twin sister, I wrote that I wondered if I would be able to tell them apart. Well, they don’t seem to be identical twins so it’s rather easy.

Tulle again

In fact, I wouldn’t have guessed that they were sisters if I didn’t know. The beard is especially different. Maybe Mathilde gets hers trimmed. I didn’t even think female goats had that same kind of beard. Like Buck. But Tulle does have one.

I wonder if Mathilde knows that Tulle is her sister? If they can recognise each other. I’m not sure. They have been apart for years so I would guess not. Tulle seemed to keep to herself mostly. Her first day in a new place, it’s understandable.

Tulle sitting by herself

Sitting down, away from the others. She seemed a bit shy. But not like Mathilde used to be. Mathilde used to be almost scared, not letting anyone close. Tulle just seemed.. apprehensive. Not really scared. Probably just the adjustment to a new place, with lots of strange kids around. That must be different from a farm, I imagine. Very.

I wanted to feed her, but I’m not sure she understood the concept. She was standing on the other side of the fold, looking at me like she didn’t understand. Even though I was holding out some treats. Then I threw a couple of nuts to her. And she sort of moved over to investigate them. And I threw some more, closer to me. So she moved closer. And then she came all the way over to me and started sniffing my hand. But she didn’t take any of the apple slices I was now holding to her. I think she would have, though. But then Mathilde and Magnethe came out of the hatch. And they know the score when a person is holding out food. They race over and eat it. And Tulle walked away. Not used to competing with other goats for treats, probably.

I like her. She seems quiet and gentle. And just the fact that she’s Mathilde’s twin sister makes me all kinds of happy. It’s sweet.

I still didn’t go into the fold. I miss playing with Magnethe. I think she missed it too.

Magnethe topping the fence

That fence is really high, I’m amazed she can get her legs all the way up there.

The buck takes an interest in Magnethe

That’s Buck and Magnethe inside, in the flash. I don’t think you can tell by the pictures but Buck actually looks a little like someone from Planet of the Apes. Dr Zaius, maybe.

He’s a lucky guy, Buck. He gets three fine ladies to impregnate. I did hear them say that. I thought Magnethe was too young. But I guess not. I bet a lot of goats would kill to be in Buck’s place, though. One barely legal and two twins. What goat would turn down that?

I’m just looking forward to Magnethe getting a brother or sister. Aw.

Twin sisters

Sister talk. Mathilde on the left, but I’m sure you can tell them apart too. Otherwise you must study my goats closer!

They really don’t look like twins to me. Hmm. But then, what do I know about goat genetics?

the twin lambs

The lambs cuddling up together. There really is nothing like twins.

The  Prince

Prince seems gigantic compared to them. But he is still a little lamb at heart. He will eat away at anything, according to Kurt. He’s very curious.

twin lambies

But oh Camilla and Milla. So cute, playing together. They played with Prince too, but not for too long then they’d be pushed away.

cutest picture ever

Gah. Aren’t they lovely?

lovely lambs

I love how they stay close. Just like Black and White did. Whenever one sits down, the other one comes and sits next to her immediately.

Prince sitting

The Prince sitting by himself.

I have been having mood swings these past few days. But the playground has been a light of pure joy. Wonderful animals. It’s always great when there’s “new blood”. Especially when it’s as cute as the lambs. And as sweet as the twin. And as smelly as the buck.

And they’re all great subjects of conversation. I have been registered too, at the playground. I guess every year they have a two-week period where they have to register all their visitors. For the statistics. So the government can see how many people use the playground, and therefore how many funds they are granted.

If I won a million bucks I’d grant the playground a big pile of cash. It’s a great place with great people and it does a lot of good for a lot of kids. And me.

So anyway, now I’m tired and you are probably tired of all the pictures and so on. So I’ll end it here. Tomorrow (probably) I’ll tell you how the playground anniversary went today. And I also have an amazing anecdote about a young Mads. Along with one of the greatest pictures you’ll ever see of him. You should look forward to that.

Oh yes, before I go a quick little something from work today. I’m working on the flyer/poster for December. One of the acts is a choir group called “Happy People”. Or so I thought. I gave the stuff to Mianne, our booker, today so she could check all the acts and see if there were any mistakes. She came back with a couple of corrections. One of them… “they aren’t actually called Happy People, they’re called Horny People. Which is something quite different”. She said. Anders laughed out loud. I felt like saying “Well it’s not that different”. But I just laughed along with the others.

Also, close to work there’s a daycare center. Vuggestue=daycare center, right? Yes I think so.

why are you looking grave?

It’s called Vuggestuen Graven. Graven is the name of the street its on. But it also means “the grave”. So it’s “The Daycarecenter The Grave”. A sort of baby version of Cradle 2 The Grave. It’s kind of a spooky place to send your kids to daycare, isn’t it? The Grave. Creepy.

Anyway, that’s it. Happy weekend to you all. Let love shine your way, from the cradle to the grave. And that bit in between.

2 Responses to “Horny Goats”

  1. Katherine Says:

    The lambs are AMAZING. I’m kinda sad that Magnethe is of age for dating…she’s still a BABY! *sob*

  2. Milla Says:

    Camilla and Milla!!! Gosh, those two are adorable little snowflakes :))) It’s snowing over here in Lithuania, I’m wondering if you’re already having that too.

    Have a good day amigo,