I am videos. This is me.
Hare and bunnies. The video version of a picture I posted a while ago. With the baby hare in the cage with the bunnies. Notice my dirty hand. Things are better when you’re knee-deep in mud.
Magnethes. Three videos of Magnethe. The first one is perhaps my favourite of all the movies I have made. I have talked about how Magnethe baahs when she sees me. In this video she has a mouthful of hay when she sees me. And the sound she makes is just wonderfully funny. It makes me laugh. And it makes me smile warmly because I love how she reacts to me. And it almost makes me cry because she’s my darling. And then two more videos with me and her and baahing.
Sigh. I love her voice.
More cute sounds from the Prince. You want to hear him baah? You can know. It’s extremely adorable. His baby baahs. They almost sound unreal, like it’s a machine or something. A machine of cuteness doom. He only really talks when he gets away from his mother. In the third clip they are separated by a fence. And you can hear Magnethe in the background a little too.
And another goat reaction video. Where I’m walking by, outside the playground. And the goats spot me through the trees.
I don’t know what I’d do without my animals. They bring me so much joy.
I was invited to an anniversary. The playground’s 20th anniversary. And also Kurt’s 25th anniversary. I’m not sure what that is the anniversary of then. If the playground is 20 years old, then what is his 25 year anniversary? But I guess I’ll find out. Friday two weeks from now. From 15.00 to 17.00 there is lemonade, coffee and cake. And party games. From 18.00 to 20.00 there will be served food and drinks.
Party games and lots of people. Sounds scary. But I have to go. Because I love the playground. And because it will be good social training, exactly the kind of thing that I must not let my social phobia keep me away from. Face my fears, exposure etc.
Plus it will probably be fun.
I have made a new guestbook. To see if it will fool the spammers. So far the old guestbook is still getting spam, and the new one not. But we’ll see. Feel free to test the new one out. I cloned it from the old one.
What an age we live in.
November 5th, 2005 at 10:18 e
Love the goat videos. I wonder what they talk about! They sound very opinionated! Magnethe has definitely grown up. They’ve definitely claimed you as one of their own.