Sometimes I wonder if I’m crazy. But then I say to myself “Oh stop it, that’s crazy talk”. And then I recite monologues with my inner voice #4.
I was a little bored at work today. Spent my breaks looking for goat stuff. I thought usenet would be a good place. alt.animals.goats. It was rather sad to see the group full of spam and topics like “How to teach a goat to perform a blowjob???”. That’s just great. There were some good posts though. Especially by a guy called Bird! who also posts on nz.soc.queer, haha. His posts about his goats were nice. They made me want even more to have a goat as a pet. And hey, I wouldn’t mind moving to New Zealand either. Maybe I should see if I could find any goat farms on New Zealand that need helpers.
It wouldn’t be bad actually. Rip apart my life, completely change all variables of my existence.
Or maybe I’m just crazy, yes.
Favourite Futurama quote #12: “Drugs are for losers. And hypnosis is for losers with big weird eyebrows”.
After work I resisted the temptation to rush straight home and watch last night’s Lost episode. Instead I went to the playground and spent some quality time with the goats. My happy pills for the day.
I had to rescue a couple of schoolgirls. They had left their backpacks on the ground while they were petting Magnethe. But Mads noticed the packs and started chewing into them. Hehe. I was walking towards Mathilde when the girls called “Hey can you help us please”. So I had to go and get Mads away from the packs. The girls were scared of him. Big, dangerous Mads. Good thing he has an achilles heel. The cuddles.
He almost broke my camera though. I was getting ready to take a picture of Mathilde when he suddenly butted the camera. Bang. And the lcd display started “rolling”. Like a TV that’s out of sync or something. And I said “Oh no Mads, you just cost me 3000 bucks”. But luckily the camera was fine after I turned it off and back on again. Phew. It’s a man’s life in the goat photography business.
Without my camera I couldn’t, for example, show you this picture of Magnethe bathed in the autumn sunlight.
And where would we be then?
November 10th, 2005 at 23:30 e
That’s so precious with the duck (goose?) beyond. A happy planet picture.
Magnethe is a hearty gal.