I woke up this Monday morning. Barely.
I had slept okay, but for some reason I was still tired. Let’s call the reason, oh, “morning”. But still, unusually tired. And I had this strange image in my head. Like a lingering dream. It was a magazine page. In English. With pictures of kittens in tea cups. And text in English. It was odd. I was awake but I could still see this dream image clearly. I could actually read the text on the magazine page. The captions to the kitten pictures.
I can’t remember something like that happening to me before. I wasn’t thinking of the image. It was just there. In my head.
I went and took a shower. A long shower. Sitting down and letting the warm water cascade down on me. Closed eyes. And more images rolling by. Like one of those machinations you have as a kid. You know, you hold it up to your eyes and then you pull down on the little lever and the picture changes. Pictures rolling by your eyes.
It really felt like I was dreaming while I was awake. Like there was still a line open to my subconscious. Somebody forgot to hang up the phone after the conversation was over. And little sounds dripped into reality.
But it did not make me less tired. I missed the bus. I couldn’t think straight. I was halfway down to the bus stop when I realized that I had left the house too late. Not “late” like “I’m in a hurry cause I’m late”. No, I hadn’t been in a hurry, my brain just decided to fool me into thinking that I was on time.
I went back and called work to say I’d be late. Then I made a sleepdrunk livejournal update with more Harry Potter mumbling. Thank you for the nice words on yesterday’s madness, by the way. I wasn’t fishing for compliments, just pondering the luck of those charmed people who get everything handed to them because they are the main characters. Madness for the sake of it. I don’t mind being Neville, I just hope we get to book 5 soon.
Oh I remember something from the dream. The part before I woke up anyway. Eels were playing. I love Eels. I was climbing on some complicated rope bridge to get to them, but when I got there they were gone and some odd happysuperparty band was playing instead.
That was supposed to be my day. All tired and nothing else. But then a new development at the Barn.
A new fold. Or whatever you call it. A new little area fenced in. They were working on it in the rain last week. And I was wondering what it was for. But I forgot to ask. Today it was all done, and it was for the goats.
See the opening in the wall? It’s a hatch into the goats’ stables. So they can go in and out like they want. And they are contained without having to be tied up.
And they can always nip in for a little snack o’hay.
Or just enjoy the view. I had fun with Magnethe. It was nice that she wasn’t tied up. We played our little game. The “Magnethe tries to butt me in the shins while I spin around myself and try to avoid her” game. Mathilde wanted to play it too. They might almost be the same size now, but Mathilde is still a lot stronger. Luckily she didn’t butt very hard. But Magnethe, oh boy. She was racing around getting all frantic trying to push me over. Haha.
And we are still the best of friends. Even though I am a pale, dead-tired zombie. Despite the fact that there is a nice bench, I just had to go sit on the ground, next to the hatch. To be close to her.
Hay to eat outside too.
A nice little place for them.
Oh yes, as you can see Mads is still there. I’m not sure when he’ll be going away on vacation exactly, but it’s still planned for. Maybe the new fold is so the new buck will have a nice place to get it on with Mathilde. A bachelor pad or something.
The Prince and Polka were outside, walking around. I think they were a little jealous of the new place. Also The Prince decided to go chasing a hen. Twice he did it. He’d run after it, halfway out the path to the horses. Then he’d stop. I think he realized he was getting too far away from mommy, because he came racing back to be at her side. And then 15 minutes later the exact same thing happened, chasing the poor, frightened hen and then racing back to mommy. He’s going to be quite the hunter when he grows up.
The playground anniversary is on Friday. Tomorrow is the individual therapy session, the end of the treatment. For now. Tina Dickow concert coming up the 25th.
November 15th, 2005 at 10:05 e
Magnethe’s ears are so silky looking. They’re always perfectly coiffed like she’s just been to the eardresser. hehe. Here’s very funny photo.