Then one foggy christmas winter morning…
Yesterday morning, lost in the bog. Sorry, in the fog.
Today I had a bad morning. I woke up from a sad dream that almost made me cry. I looked at the alarm clock, 4 minutes till I had to get up. My body was aching and all I wanted to do was to sleep, sleep, sleep. A miracle that I managed to drag myself to work.
On my way home from work I walked by that comic book store I mentioned. Komics. What did they have on display in the window? A Don Rosa Hall of Fame book. I took that as a sign from above, went in and bought it. So now I can get a fix of Don Rosa.
You all know who Don Rosa is, right? He is a duck drawer. Donald Duck. Or if you’re American, $crooge McDuck. I think. Anyway, he’s the best Duck artist in my opinion. Better than Carl Barks, although I might get lynched for saying so. When I grew too adult to read the weekly Donald Duck magazine I still kept the issues with Don Rosa stories. They are still worth a read, even when you get too old to have fun.
So there.
I found something odd in my sitemeter yesterday. It’s a guy asking for opinions on what he should write about in his blog to get more visitors. Look at the comments. There’s one by me, apparently. Only I didn’t leave it. The comment says “Try looking at my blog for inspiration” and then there’s a link to my blog. I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave that comment. Unless I blacked out or something. At first I thought it was someone trying to frame me for spamming. There are spammers doing that in many blogs, leaving spam and then pretending to be other bloggers. So I thought maybe I was the victim of something like that. But then I realized that the comment there isn’t spam, it’s actually just helpful. And the owner of the blog thanks for the comment too. So no harm, no foul. I just wonder why someone would sign with my name? They could have just left their own name and said “look at Plume’s blog here”. If anyone can shed some light on it, please do.
Anne, I don’t know why you have trouble with leaving long comments. I did a test with a really long comment and it worked fine. Odd. You can always use the guestbook if everything else fails. I still check it, if for nothing else then to clear out the daily spam.
Milla, that thing on the wall in the goat’s pen isn’t toilet paper, it’s a salt lick thing. Haha, I can see that it sort of looks like a roll of toilet paper, though.
It was a mild day today. I didn’t even need my gloves and scarf. The sound of melting snow and ice. The frost will be back though, minus 10 degrees in the weekend apparently.
And I don’t mind.
February 1st, 2006 at 3:57 e
I’ve really enjoyed reading your winter thoughts and seeing your horses, billy goats and cats! You made me feel as if I could leave the cities of the United States and relax in the warmth of your culture, no matter how cold that snow gets! Keep writing!
February 1st, 2006 at 4:03 e
Blogspot has a feature its using to prevent blog spammers.You have to type in a series of letters or letters and numbers before each entry is posted. I asked them to relieve me of that burden, which they did, but I guess spammers are now using blogs to spam. I guess, like the natural world, the virtual one has its parasites and creepy crawlers. Will spam ever die?
February 1st, 2006 at 20:15 e
Thanks for clearing that up for me Plume :))) I checked the weather and we’re in for a cold weekend, but I don’t mind either, cause I also love the feeling of winter wonderland around. I just wish there was more snow. I remember, when it first started snowing this winter, a snowflake of a perfect shape landed on my coat. I probably looked like crazy, because i started nervously searching for my phone and shaking my bag, cause I wanted a pic of it to remember. Too bad they melt so fast… :)
lmNOp to spammers!
February 20th, 2006 at 19:10 e
Are you calling my comment spam? Sorry… Don’t worry. I won’t comment or read your blog again. I see the weather isn’t the only cold aspect of your blog!
February 20th, 2006 at 20:18 e
Who has called your comment spam? I think you must have misunderstood something…