Cats are most mysterious creatures, aren’t they?
I walked into the living room and was greeted by a soft meow. Out from under our table came Moomincat. Somehow he had found his way inside without being noticed.
I was a little puzzled.
There’s only one way into our house, and that’s through my window. It’s winter, all other doors and windows are closed. So he had to have come in through there. And since I didn’t notice him then he must have slipped in while I wasn’t in the room. Normally I would have my door closed while I’m not in there. And normally the door to the living room would be closed too. I must have been in the bathroom, that’s the only explanation I can find. There must have been a tiny little window of opportunity where both doors were open and I wasn’t in any of the rooms. And he must have gone in and sat down under the table in the living room.
I was home alone at the time. That was another lucky circumstance. If my brother or mother had been home they would have probably chased him out. Not that they’re big, mean cat-haters. They wouldn’t have chased him out with a broomstick, yelling obscenities. But it’s not our cat, and he’s not supposed to be in here. So it was a good thing that they weren’t home and both doors were open and I wasn’t in the room. The perfect circumstance to sneak in and hide under the table and give me a nice surprise.
I took the opportunity to show him around the house. I had been wanting to do that. When he comes in through my window he usually goes right to my door and looks up at the handle, like he wants to go explore the house. And now that there was no one else in the house I figured I would give him the tour. He followed me around, I opened doors for him. He walked into rooms and looked around and then came back out to me.
I wonder if he likes my company as much as I like his? We sat on the couch, he looked half asleep. I got up and walked out of the room. He immediately got up and followed. Maybe he’s not looking for a warm bed to curl up and sleep in, maybe he’s looking for a warm human to curl up next to.
It felt really good. Having a cat in the house. I could get used to it.

I like the white on his neck, it makes him look… royal? It’s like a scarf almost.

I think the flash annoyed him a little. Silly humans. Funny how his eyes squinted for the flash. And for the cuddles.

Bless this holy mess.

Hehe. Moomincat went up into the window sill. And started climbing around under the curtain. Before he poked out again.

I think cats love hiding places. They probably enjoy surprising people.

And you can tell that he owns the place. You can’t really argue possession with a cat.

You know the old joke about aliens coming to earth and observing humans picking up dog poop and therefore thinking that the dog is the superior being? I think it’s very true. Animals are superior. We can’t MAKE them love us. But they can make us love them. They have power we don’t have. We can build the tallest buildings, but we’ll still be staring at the stars. The real giveaway is how much we focus on power. The ones who don’t care about power are the ones that are powerful.
Sorry, it’s too early in the day for philosophising.

I wouldn’t want to be president of a country, but I would want a cat in my lap any day.

And I always feel a little sad when he jumps out of my window and climbs the fence to our neighbour’s yard and disappears. But you can’t own a cat. If I took him then I’d be taking him away from someone else. Everytime he leaves I appreciate the next time he comes even more. I have just finished reading The Little Prince and I want to somehow correlate the two. I don’t know what planets Moomincat are visiting, but I love that he comes back to mine.
I thought he was pretty new to my world. I thought the first documented visit was when he came in through my window on January 1st. But then today, by some random string of events that I won’t bore you with I suddenly saw this picture in my photoalbum:

Moomincat. From an entry written on July 25th last year. I met him outside my house when I went to Tina Dickow’s autograph session in Stereo Studio. I almost missed my bus because he was so cuddly and lovely. Amazing. Half a year ago. So he has been around for a while.
Looking at that picture, it doesn’t look like he has a bare spot on his stomach. So that must mean that he had some kind of operation between that first meeting and now. And that means that he definitely must have a family that takes care of him. And he is just a friendly visitor, not a cat in need. That logic is not flawed, is it?
Made some videos of him. Pretty kitty.
And also a couple of funny ones of the goats.
I watched Shopgirl today. I liked it a lot. I have always liked Claire Danes. But who hasn’t, after My So Called Life? I have also always liked Steve Martin. And the movie had some really beautiful scenes. Beautiful music and visual. The stars…
And some relatable things. Claire’s character’s anti-depressants.
“I know it’s hard for you to be close”
It reminded me of Skye. It can be hard to be close, but it’s awful to be apart.
I am also listening to old Amiga music. I am prone to nostalgia. Monkey Island, Shadow of the Beast, Myth, Turrican. Great music, great memories.
There are a lot of really great things in my life.
And yet I don’t feel okay.
This entry was posted on Sunday, January 15th, 2006 at 20:16 and is filed under Blogging. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.
February 1st, 2006 at 3:57 e
I’ve really enjoyed reading your winter thoughts and seeing your horses, billy goats and cats! You made me feel as if I could leave the cities of the United States and relax in the warmth of your culture, no matter how cold that snow gets! Keep writing!
February 1st, 2006 at 4:03 e
Blogspot has a feature its using to prevent blog spammers.You have to type in a series of letters or letters and numbers before each entry is posted. I asked them to relieve me of that burden, which they did, but I guess spammers are now using blogs to spam. I guess, like the natural world, the virtual one has its parasites and creepy crawlers. Will spam ever die?
February 1st, 2006 at 20:15 e
Thanks for clearing that up for me Plume :))) I checked the weather and we’re in for a cold weekend, but I don’t mind either, cause I also love the feeling of winter wonderland around. I just wish there was more snow. I remember, when it first started snowing this winter, a snowflake of a perfect shape landed on my coat. I probably looked like crazy, because i started nervously searching for my phone and shaking my bag, cause I wanted a pic of it to remember. Too bad they melt so fast… :)
lmNOp to spammers!
February 20th, 2006 at 19:10 e
Are you calling my comment spam? Sorry… Don’t worry. I won’t comment or read your blog again. I see the weather isn’t the only cold aspect of your blog!
February 20th, 2006 at 20:18 e
Who has called your comment spam? I think you must have misunderstood something…