Sunday, January 29, 2006

In A Winter Wonderland

Alritey then. Picture time.

First off we have a little funny scene from Friday.

I was watching the goats eat. Marvelling at how they can get through a bucket of chow in no time. Mathilde literally buried her head in a bucket and ate and ate. And somehow she managed to get the handle of the bucket around her neck. So when she lifted her head up, the bucket was hanging around her neck almost like a necklace.

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Hah. There Magnethe is trying to get her face into the bucket too.

She didn’t seem to mind too much, Mathilde. Eventually I got her to come over to me and got the bucket off her. Fun stuff.

Yesterday I got to feed the goats. Officially, I mean. Jannie and her family was there, feeding all the animals. I went into the goats’ pen and stayed with them for a while. And then when Jannie came with their food she asked if I wanted to feed them. So I did. It’s not like it’s a big task. She handed me a bucket of goat food mixture and I distributed into the buckets in the pen. Of course the goats don’t want to wait till the food is in their appropriate buckets, they want to eat it immediately, out of the bucket in your hand. But I managed to do it. And it was nice, helping out like that. I also hand fed them a bit. Picked up a handfull from a bucket and then let them eat it out of my hand. Funny, they can eat down a whole handfull without stopping to breathe.

A good time. And then I went for a walk in the park. A beautiful winter day. Foggy and frozen.

I took pictures, of course. I am quite happy with them. I’m not saying they’re great or anything. But I love the winter and these capture the mood of my walk quite nicely I think.

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

When it’s summer I will look at these pictures and sigh to myself.

Few more pictures. Remember that you can click on them if you want to see full size versions.

tree at the church

A tree at the church.


And a duck at the playground. It always sits in that spot, on the fence.

And a couple more snowscenes:

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

There. All done.

I am currently considering whether I should buy the Don Rosa Hall of Fame books. I said the other day that I wanted to dig my old Don Rosa comics out, but I can’t find them. I think I might have thrown them out when I was young and stupid. I could buy the Hall of Fame books, but there are 3 volumes already. It would be something like 600 kroners. With more volumes in the future. That’s a lot of money for comics. Still, I love Don Rosa’s stories. I don’t know. There’s a comicbook store right next to my workplace. Maybe I’ll stop in there, I think they have used books too. Maybe I can find a good deal.

That’s all folks. I would appreciate it if one or two of you out there would try to leave a comment on the entry, just so I can see that it’s all working with the spam filter and such.

Thank you.

9 Responses to “In A Winter Wonderland”

  1. jeanine Says:

    wow. ASTONISHING PICTURES!! beautiful! it looks like you went on the set of the lion, the witch and the warbrode to take pictures.

    Hey, I don’t know if you still collect postcards. We exchanged postcards a while back. I have a pseudonym: harriet m. welsch. I’m not sure if I used that name or my real name. hmp. anyway, would you like to receive another postcard? if so, email me your address :)

  2. Valja Says:

    Here’s your comment — lovely pics! Hope you get to enjoy more picturesque walks in the snow. It only snowed here for a few minutes on Friday and I was in my room so I missed it …. oh well.

  3. Milla Says:

    Hello ;) the pictures were awesome! some of them with Magnethe and the bucket were hillarious :D she’s very cute. hmmm, the duck might be frozen to that place, maybe someone should check on her. but it’s more likely that she simply enjoys that place :D

    ok, gotta run. have a great monday ;)

  4. Milla Says:

    oops, pardon, Mathilde! so good she can’t read :) shame on me.

  5. Milla Says:

    p.s. is that toilet paper hanging in the backround? cool :D

    ok, this time I’m really out ;)

  6. hanne Says:

    hey can we talk some time soon? :)
    but, not on tuesdays or thursdays
    working too much, sorry!

  7. Anne Says:

    Det er åbenbart kun, når jeg skriver langt, det går galt.

  8. Katherine Says:

    I really envy you your winter. Those photos are like a dreamscape. Such pretty muted colours. It almost looks warm, not cold. It’s been pouring down rain here every day for two months. Yuck. I miss snow but you can’t make it snow in a rainforest.

    It seems like you’re having a really great winter this year, eh? Usually the snow melts quickly doesn’t it?

    I love the photos of Mathilde in bucket heaven. Yes, funny how animals big and small love buckets as long as they have food. Magnethe is looking HUGE, as big as her mom. I guess she’s all grown up now physically but she’ll always be the baby.

    “Funny, they can eat down a whole handfull without stopping to breathe.” Reminds me of how Tina INHALED the food I brough her. She could put a whole anything in her mouth and make it disappear in five seconds. Good thing elephants aren’t carnivores or we’d be toast!

  9. Plume at work dot com Says:

    THis is a test I am testing to test the tested testingness wouldn’t you like to know what I’m testing? There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    girls are pretty and so are goats, altohugh in very different ways and why save electricity? There’s lost tomorrow I am lost without lost oh I am tired I am testing.
    snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    girls are pretty and so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty
    is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is
    feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow

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