I have been getting enormous amounts of spam. So I tried fiddling with a spam filter. It worked so well that all comments where denied, whether they were spam or not. So if you have left a comment in the blog the last day or two it has probably been swallowed whole and is gone. Without me getting to read it, sniffle. The filter oughta be working now though (Thanks for the help Maria), so feel free to leave me loads of comments.
I have had a nice day today. Frost and fog and animals. I will write about it tonight, or possibly tomorrow. I have a lot of pictures to process, it might take a while. But at least you have something to look forward to.
Oh by the way, if any of you happen to see Moomincat out on some great adventure, could you tell him to stop by my house again soon? I miss him terribly.
January 28th, 2006 at 15:01 e
Bloody good job old chap
January 29th, 2006 at 9:24 e