Oh you’re not going to believe this.
Deja vu?
So earlier today I updated and said I had found the owner of the sweet kitty who came to my window. But turns out I was wrong. I’ve been in mail contact with the owner of Lilleput, the wanted kitty from the poster in Aktiv Super. And she looked at the pictures in my blog. And it wasn’t Lilleput. Lilleput doesn’t have white feet. So now I’m almost relieved, because I guess I didn’t send a cat that had been lost for two months back out in the snow. But on the other hand I feel sad for Christina, the girl who is missing her cat. And I wonder what the story of “my” cat is, if it’s lost or not. If it’ll come back or not.
What are the odds though? A cat comes in through my window and has a bare spot on her stomach. And the day after I see a wanted poster for a cat that looks almost identical and also has a bare spot. But you can’t argue with the white feet of course. It’s just a pretty startling coincidence.
And I still miss the cat. It was so sweet. I was going to say “she was so sweet” but now I don’t know if it’s male or female of course. I did have the feeling it was a she, even before I saw the wanted poster. But I don’t know of course.
It must be horrible to lose a cat. Like Christina said in her mail. A family member. I would be crushed if that happened to me. When I get my own cat. I don’t even want to think the thought.
I dreamt that I found the cat again. After I was outside looking for it today. I went back in and slept (hey, I’m sick. I have an excuse). And I dreamt that I found the cat again. And would you believe it, the alarm clock rang and I woke up. But I sort of dozed off a little. And again I dreamt that I found the cat. I’m not making it up, I dreamt it twice. I guess that shows how much I wanted to find the cat and get it back to its owner. And make up for my mistake.
I am feeling quite moved. By the cat and by Christina’s mail and all. I should start looking for a shelter to volunteer in again. And an appartment. And a cat, definitely a cat.
PS. Does anyone have a recommendation for what I should do if “my” cat comes again? Should I just let it stay until it leaves by itself, should I keep it and call a shelter, should I feed it, what should I do?
January 3rd, 2006 at 0:01 e
Det var/er en venlig huskat, der besøger dig, og det vil den sikkert gøre igen.
Med den fine pels og det rolige blik, så har den et sted af bo, tro mig. Men katte har det der private i deres karakter – at de finder nye steder, hvor de hygger sig og bli’r forkælet. Janson, mumi-forfatter, er nok den, som bedst har beskrevet det, bl. a. i Kometen kommer, hvor det lille dyr Sif forelskede sig håbløst i en kattekilling. Men din ven er ikke killing – mindst fem år. Og den ligner mere en kastreret hankat end en hunkat, selvom størrelsen ikke rigtig fremgår. Hvis den mangler en snip af sit øre, så er den enten øretatoveret eller chip’et. Og den havde ikke forladt din varme seng og dit hyggelige selskab, hvis ikke den havde et sted at gå hjem til. Nyd den, men lad være med at fodre den, for så beslutter den måske, at den hellere vil bo hos dig.