I thought it would be funny to make a stupid entry about shallowe eve, but then I realized that I was too tired and instead I threw together some playground pictures. I am nothing if not predictable in my unpredictability.
So I get to the playground, right and I’m like “whoah” cause Magnethe is like totally tied up.
Aw, poor Magnethe. I’m pretty sure that’s the first time she’d been tied. She seemed a little confused by the fact that she couldn’t just go where she wanted. When she saw me she baahed and started jumping around, trying to run to me. Aw. She actually managed to pull the rope thingie out of the ground! My little precious. She also managed to get me completely tangled in her rope. I was sitting next to her. And then Mads came. And Magnethe wanted to run away, so she ran around me and the rope followed and soon I was sitting with rope around me and Magnethe pressed up to me. Hehe.
Did I tell you about the game we played? Last week. I played “run around the tree” with her. She wanted to butt my leg. I hid behind a tree. And when she tried to get to me I started swinging around the tree. And she would run after me. Like we were dancing around a christmas tree. Of course she soon wised up to me and stopped and turned around to go the other way around the tree. So I had to stop and change my direction too. She’s a clever little one.
Mathilde was tied too. Mads, however, was running around freely. He will be going away one of the next days. I’m not sure if I’ll get a chance to say goodbye to him, so I sort of did it today.
I’m going to miss that crazy guy. But he’ll be back, no worries.
The buck who is replacing him temporarily is indeed coming to impregnate Mathilde. So she can have a new baby kid next summer. I didn’t know goats were pregnant that long. You learn all the time.
I must admit I’m not too fond of the idea of some strange buck coming and having his way with Mathilde. She’s so shy and all. I hope it won’t be traumatizing. But okay, she’s done it before. I will try not to act like a concerned father. And the idea of a new kid is wonderful of course. A brother or sister for Magnethe. If that doesn’t put a smile on my face then nothing will.
We’ll also be getting a new sheep with lamb. Polka needs company. Alice told me. It’s not enough with The Prince.
She needs adult company too. So there are new things to look forward to. And old things to appreciate.
I wish I could retire to the playground. I wouldn’t see my life as wasted if I spent the rest of it there. I know it’s not conventional wisdom and I wouldn’t be fulfilling my potential, but I’d be happy. And I wouldn’t mind that.
I can dream though, I can dream.
Remember the littlest piglet? The little runt who needed to be handfed. Here he is again.
He’s getting bigger, but still smaller than the rest of the litter.
In other news, I’d pay good money to anyone who can kill the idiots that are spamming my guestbook. Some asian spam-ring. The funny thing is that they are leaving their spam messages as private entries, so no one can see the links they’re posting. Geez. It only takes me a few seconds to delete the entries. But they keep posting new ones. When I wake up in the morning there are 20 new ones. Plus I’m getting spam in the blog comments too. Weird, stupid spam that is trying to frame innocent sites.
I like how the birth process of goats is called kidding. Hehe. Goats are just all kinds of fun.
Interesting too. I like reading about them. I should get a book or something. I guess Mads is a Wether. A castrated male goat. Good to know. Breeding age from 8-10 months. Magnethe is close to 8 months I think. That buck better keep his hands off of her or he’ll answer to me.
Men. You can’t trust us.
November 1st, 2005 at 6:10 e
re the guestbook terrorists (Ospamas?)…I’ve been fortunate so far. I believe Haloscan must have something that prevents spam because I’ve never seen any in the comments of anyone using it. You might want to report it to getstring. Find out if there’s any way you can block the IP addresses.