My evil twin has informed me that she misses the good old times when I used to update daily. So to placate my inner demons I will update today. With videos, though. Nothing else. Let’s go.
Piglets. Aren’t they cute as they run around in a confused state? Also a close up of Groucho. You surely remember his outstanding eyebrows.
Mads and me. You know how I have posted pictures of me and Mads all close? These are the video versions. They are weird and I look ghastly. But I don’t care if you judge me.
Magnethe’s butting. Magnethe, the champion fighter, beats Plume in a brawl. I fall, and I fall hard.
Running. I love this. Random running. It happens rarely, but sometimes Magnethe will just start running back and forth. Odd.
Olga. The new sheep. Did I mention that Anne left me a comment saying that Olga is definitely pregnant? That is great news. Lambs ahoy!
Three jumping goats. There is a fence between me and the goats. Guess what happens?
There you go. Life or a reasonable facsimile.
October 19th, 2005 at 23:22 e
Jeg holder med den onde tvilling. Det skal dog nævnes, at på min lille plet af goodwill og menneskefryd er der glæde over, at du faktisk har så travlt med mor Verden, at der ikke rigtig er tid til os i CyberLandsby. Når jeg tænker på, hvilken kog den lille ged satte i det hele, så kan jeg næsten ikke vente, til lammene kommer. Du ku’ jo spørge, om fårekonen skal ha’ små