Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Shake It Like A Polaroid

So. The Fight Club. From a couple of days ago.


Magnethe and Mathilde.


Going at it.

And then


Mads and Magnethe.


Duking it out.

There’s a very very funny video here. It’s a big one though. But I recommend it if you want the goat fight club. It starts off with Magnethe and Mathilde going at it. And you’ll notice that Magnethe is the instigator most of the time. Mathilde doesn’t seem too interested in duelling, she’s picking leaves from the ground etc. But Magnethe likes it. I wonder if it’s all play or if she has gotten so big that she’s actually challenging Mathilde for position in the flock. I don’t know.

After a while of Magnethe vs Mathilde then Mads gets a little tired of it I think. So he butts in. Literally. And then Mads and Mathilde square off. And then after that Magnethe takes on Mads. So it’s one long sequence where all of the goats are taking turns with each other. Fun stuff.

She could be a champion fighter, Magnethe. She may looks innocent…


But don’t let it fool you. She’ll go for the knockout.

The playground is my fun spot. Here’s Olga again:


The new sheep. Doesn’t she look pregnant? I can’t help but hope. I gotta remember to ask the adults about it sometime.

Animal babies are always great. Like the piglets.


It’s amazing that something so tiny and adorable can come from something so big and massive. They’re a lot of fun. They run around, seeming all confused. And like they don’t have complete control of their legs. Jumping running, bouncing into each other. And would you look at this guy:


He has spots over his eyes. It looks like he has eyebrows! Hehe.


That is too funny.


I have never seen that before.

Had fun with the kids today too. One of them took this with my camera.


I like myself better when I’m with the goats. I know it’s strange, but they mean a lot to me. And I am fine with that.

One of the boys asked if the pictures would be in the newspaper. That’s happened before, hehe. I told him some of them would be on my website. Spelled out the address for him, so who knows they might be reading along now. Don’t know how much English they understand. Men hej, drenge!

The sound Magnethe makes when she sees me makes me smile inside.

I had a sweet moment with Mathilde. I had my hand held out and she sort of rubbed her face against it. It probably wasn’t a conscious gesture, but it was like she was mimicking what I do when I stroke her face. Very sweet.

Oh and I taught Mads how to poke. You know, like Mathilde and Magnethe. It’s better for me. If he wants food then I prefer being poked than being rammed down. He’s stronger than the others.

I had apple slices in my pocket. And I would hold out on him until he started poking me. And then quickly give him a slice. Didn’t take long before he realized that poking was the best way to get treats.

And then Pernille walked by and saw it. “Are you teaching him to shake hands?”. Hehe. She said I could do that for next year’s animal show. Good idea.

Now I’m tired. I’m going to go fight the moonlight.

2 Responses to “Shake It Like A Polaroid”

  1. milla Says:

    oh, the poking sweetness :))) you look great in that last picture with Mads (I hope I’m not mixed up wit the names)!

    have a great day :)

  2. Anne Says:

    Ingen tvivl om, at fåret er gravid. Og så er vi jo tilbage til den gamle riddle:
    får får får nej får får ikke får får får lam – sæt tegnene:Får får får? Nej, får får ikke får. Får får lam!

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