And now the conclusion.
Yesterday Pernille told me that I would have to say goodbye to Mads soon. And I thought “Nonono no no no” and feared the worst. I didn’t want to lose my dear Mads.
Turns out he will be going away, but only temporarily. He’s going, well basically he’s going to fat camp. The poor guy, haha.
He is going to go back to Kurt’s place. Kurt owns all the animals, except Mads funnily enough. But Mads will go back to Kurt’s farm. Mainly because they are bringing in a buck to the playground for Magnethe and Mathilde. And they’re worried if a new buck and Mads will get along. I’m still not entirely clear on the whole thing. I’m not sure if this new buck is supposed to impregnate Magnethe or Mathilde. Or if it’s just socializing. Or something. But the buck will be at the playground for a while and Mads will be at Kurt’s place. And while Mads is there he will be on a strict hay/water diet. He’s going to hate that! Like Pernilly said, if he knew what was in store for him he’d be trying to escape right now.
Not only will there be a buck visiting, there will also be Mathilde’s twin sister! Yes, she has a twin sister. I never knew. That’s going to be interesting. I wonder if I can tell them apart… And I wonder if they will act the same. Mathilde used to be so shy, she’s much more confident now. But her sister must have lived on the farm all her life. Will she be shy around people? Confident? I have no idea. And the buck too, I wonder if it will be possible to be friends with him. Mads is neutered, and he’s a big handful. If that buck isn’t neutered then he might be even stronger and more aggressive. Hmm.
I will miss Mads. But it’s good to know that he’ll come back fitter and healthier. Pernille said that he would miss me too. They had joked about them hiring me to keep him company at the farm haha. I wish. Keeping Mads company would be a dream job. I’d do it for free if there wasn’t that whole “life outside” thing to take care of.
I hope he’ll have fun with the other goats. I have this paranoid delusion of him being the “soft” city goat and getting bullied by all the tough farm goats. He likes to think he’s a big, strong leader but he’s really a big softie down deep. I like how Katherine described him in the Mads&Me videos. “What a big lamb he is”. He totally is. He’s not as tough as he seems. At all. And he’s used to being pampered, spoiled and getting all the attention. I just have this sad image in my head of him standing alone in the corner of a stable, missing the playground and the people and Magnethe and Mathilde while the other goats make fun of him. Aw. But I know it’s just my imagination. I’m sure it’ll be good for him. I hope he won’t forget me while he’s gone.
I have leftover pictures of The Prince.
Prince charming, you might say.
How can you resist that face?
The goats have been a little rough with him though. Especially Mathilde, for some reason. She was chasing him around a couple of times. I had to help keep them apart. I know it’s normal for the sheep and goats to go head to head sometimes, but The Prince is just a little too young for that yet. Don’t want him to get hurt.
Maybe it’s because Magnethe is threatening Mathilde’s status in the ranks. So Mathilde is more keen on marking her position.
Mads seemed more curious, just looking at the little newcomer. Oh, notice the face there? They recently painted the stables. And that hay-holder thing there looked sort of like a mouth I guess. So they painted in eyes. Cute, eh?
The kids love him of course. There is a lot of pre-teen whining going on. Whining like “*Whiiiine* it’s Robbie Williams!!!”. Only it’s The Prince instead of Robbie Williams.
And mother is always close by.
Yes. Right there.
There was one time when Polka was walking out on the grounds and The Prince stood in the doorway to the stables and waited. And then when Polka was just getting a little too far away The Prince started baahing to call her back. Baahing in that “I haven’t quite developed my voice yet” way.
Just like she walks in a “I haven’t quite learned to control my legs yet” way.
Sometimes she does little spontaneous jumps. Like her legs are little springs and every once in a while she just pops up and bounces around a little. It’s so funny, it looks like she just can’t control it, she just has to bounce.
There’s nothing like a new little baby animal to make the world bounce.
And don’t forget Groucho.
He’s great. I love how the piglets come up and sniff to my hand now. Only a week ago or so they would run squealing away if you entered their stable.
Time makes you bolder.
I also love the falling colours. Things are never black and white.
Well, apart from the lambs. You know.
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