Saturday, October 01, 2005

Any Wonder

Okay, now that I have most of the Mew madness out of my system I can get back to some nice playground news instead.

Remember the bigass bird babies at work? Well, Would you look at this:


Tiny little tweeties.


They were tweeting around, while their mother was keeping a close eye.


So small and fluffy.


So small that I could probably fit them both in the palm of my hand.

I know that in theory little chickens are no great miracle. But don’t tell me not to adore them. We only have the wonder that we chose to see.


And I will wonder when I want. Brothers in crime. Twins, but not identical. I Made a little video if you want to hear them tweet.

It must be a good time for animal babies. Mrs Piggy has got a new litter too:


She was lying there looking very, very exhausted. And the piglets were not moving from under the artificial sun. But I’m sure they’ll come out and play soon enough. And I will wonder, I will.

But that’s not all. There are more new occupants at the playground.


That picture is from inside the goats’ place. It’s a bad picture, but I hope you can make it out. Down below is the hay, where the goats sleep. And up above there is now a birdcage of sorts. There are actually holes in the backside of it, they lead out to a bigger part of the cage that is outdoors. Through which I got a couple of shots of the birds.



I believe they are undulater, in Danish. What are they in English? Budgies? Or is that just a nickname thing? I’m not sure. Nice and colourful though. Playful.

Lots of life at the playground. Is it any wonder that it makes me feel alive?


A shot from a rainy day. That’s the spot where I used to sit on a wooden board on the ground. But now they have paved over the ground and built a sort of bench thingie. And of course the goats love to jump up there. Especially when it rains, then I know I can find them there. And now it’s an even better place for me to sit of course. I’ll sit down on the left-most side (where the plastic bag is sitting on the ground), with my leg up on the board that goes out to the post. And Mads will stand right up next to me and I’ll scratch him good. And behind him Mathilde and Magnethe will stand and watch out for opportunities to get close to me. When Mads will let them.


I have been having much fun with Magnethe. She is incredibly feisty. She’s going to be worse than Mads, I swear! She is butting all over the place. It’s so much fun that I just had to make videos of it. Five videos in fact. If you like Magnethe then you really should try at least a couple of them. She’s so darling when she tries to cripple me.

You can also get to see my hunched back, the posture that I’m trying to change. Amazing I don’t fall over more often.

In most of the videos you can’t really hear it, but every time she butts me I go something like this: “oww-hahahaha”. It cracks me up.

I do hope the videos don’t make her seem too aggressive, she’s not that bad. I’m sort of goading (or should that be GOATING?! HAHAHA) her to butt me. It’s not like she’s doing it constantly. And it’s not like she’s being mean, it’s just playing. And I love it, which probably just encourages her more. She’s a very good girl and I don’t mind sacrificing my shins for a little fun.

That’s almost all. I just want to take one dip back into music. I came up with a tracklist for my debut album. It’s not final or anything. To be honest only a few of the songs even have lyrics. But there’s nothing wrong with ambition. So here goes:

01 Amusing Amputations (instrumental)
02 Broken Bones
03 The Sound of Falling Stars
04 A World Without Lawyers
05 Rags to Riches to Rags
06 Charming Accountant (instrumental)
07 Details That Define Us
08 Big Fish in Little Ponds
09 Summer Rain
10 Unrequited Love at First Sight
11 Lullaby for Skye
12 Utro

I don’t have a title for the album. Any suggestions?

Am I getting boring? It’s okay, you can tell me.

One Response to “Any Wonder”

  1. Kat Says:


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