A little more catching up from the past weeks.
There’s a blind woman who comes to the playground sometimes.
I like how affectionate she is with the animals. She can’t see them so she has to get close and touch instead. And they know her, I’ve seen Mrs Piggy get all lively when she was there.
Groucho still makes me smile.
And the littlest one:
Smaller than the rest. They grow so fast.
Olga. How long are sheep pregnant? I want my little lambs already.
Don’t you just love animal babies? I think if animal babies didn’t grow up then we’d all be vegetarians.
The hare leveret is getting along with the bunnies.
They’re not so different.
The chick is growing too. Mads and Mathilde watching from the inside. It was raining.
Summer is most definitely over. We’ve had frosty nights this week. Wintery feelings. You can tell by the goats too. They’re getting… furrier. Their fur is getting thicker. I don’t know if you can tell by the pictures, but I can definitely feel it.
Getting their winter coats on.
A couple of girls were playing on the swings the other day. They asked me if I had a wife. I said no. Then they asked if I had a girlfriend. I said no. Sigh. Then they asked me whether I would kiss my girlfriend if I had one. I said yes. Then they giggled. Hehe.
What is new at work, you ask? Hølli stopped. You probably don’t know who that is, since I haven’t mentioned him. He started while I was out on sickleave. And I haven’t talked to him since his workhours are rather later than mine. He’s Icelandic by the way, his real name is too complicated to pronounce so we called him Hølli. Now he’s gone.
There’s a new Anders in the office. Cast page. (Oh and Olga’s cast page). So now we have two Anderses. The first one is Anders B, the new one is Anders P. Fascinating stuff.
On Wednesday we went to a design exhibition.
It was disappointingly boring.
Apart from the heads.
Afterwards we went outside.
The exhibition was down by the harbour.
We should go fishing some time. You and me.
I have discovered something new about the goats. They love nuts. Hazelnuts. I was sitting down, watching them scavenge for food. They kept digging around in the fallen autumn leaves and scruffing in the dirt. And then they would chew loudly. I got up and investigated. And found that they were eating hazelnuts. Lots and lots of fallen hazelnuts. So I proceeded to pick up a bag full of nuts. Because I like to make the goats happy. And nuts make them happy. They go nuts for the nuts. And it’s funny to listen to them chew, cracking the nuts.
Cracking the nuts. That sounds like frontier psychiatry.
I almost got beaten up by Magnethe and Mathilde today. They started fighting right where I was sitting. I think they might have been competing for my nuts. Or my love, alternatively. It’s a little scary when you’re sitting down and two goats are crashing all around you. At one point Magnethe actually jumped up on my back and then leapt at Mathilde from there.
Then later Mathilde wanted to poke me so I’d give her some nuts. I was sitting at the base of a little hill mound. And she was up higher. So her leg kicked me in the face. A couple of times. I didn’t get hurt, but I did get a nice mask of mud.
And then even later Magnethe somehow managed to knock my glasses off. I’m not sure how that happened.
I need to start wearing protective gear when I go to the playground.
I talked to an old lady there yesterday. She wanted to see my camera. And surprised me by knowing a lot about digital cameras. We have talked before. She’s nice. And she has a little dog that the goats aren’t afraid of. That surprised me, they are always terrified of all the dogs they see. But not this one.
Enough with the anecdotes.
May the path of your life be lined with blooming flowers.
October 23rd, 2005 at 11:01 e
All things bright and beautiful
all creatures great and small
all things wise and wonderful
the Lord God made them all
Det står i en af bøgerne af den engelske dyrlæge James Herriot. Jeg fandt dem på engelsk hos Gad på udsalg.
Det, jeg vil frem til, er, at han skriver om og føler for dyr, som du gør. Så måske skulle du overveje en bog og sende den til et engelsk forlag – penge, penge. De kan sikkert findes på biblioteket – de blev flimatiserede og har været i dansk TV, selvom det er længe siden. Dine anekdoter fra byggeren er bare så goe’.