Alritey then. Time to reveal the newest animal at the playground. And the winner is…
Katherine. With a sheep. Allow myself to introduce Olga.
Olga the sheep. It’s only a few days ago that I said I wished we’d get some sheepies again. I got my wish. She seems like a nice sheep, I’m looking forward to getting to know her better. Also, I’m hoping that she’s pregnant. It would make sense that she’s come to the playground to have lambs. That would be so great. I’d love to see some lil lambies. I still miss Black and White.
Speaking of White, when I first saw Olga I actually thought it was a grownup White who’d come back. Not because of how she looks, but how she sounds. She has a hoarse, cracking voice. You might remember how White always used to make me laugh because his voice was cracking. He sounded like a spotty teenager. Haha. Just thinking of it makes me smile.
And Olga makes me smile too, so that’s a good sign.
The new piglets make me smile as well. So let’s have a bunch of pictures of them, thankyouverymuch.
I posted these on some livejournal communities and everyone seem to love them. Especially the spotted ones. I remember the first time I saw little spotty piglets too, quite amazing.
I made a new video of them too. Where they are suckling from Mrs Piggy. If that’s what it’s called. It’s quite funny. One of the piglets gets confused and starts climbing up on top of her. Hilarity ensues.
Anyway, more pictures why don’t you.
Future gangsta rappers of Denmark.
The playground is a great place for kids. All kids should have access to animals and green pastures. They also get to have responsibilities. Like taking care of their own hamsters or bunnies. Or just doing general work at the grounds.
Girls sweeping. I like how they’re wearing those inline skate thingies while they sweep. That’s skillz.
Of course the adults have to handle the heavier work on their own.
Like… uhm. Cementing the roof. Or whatever they’re doing there. Something with a blowtorch anyway.
Remember the little, tiny, tweeting chickens?
I wonder where the little yellow one is? I don’t really want to think about that though, because I can’t come up with any good answers. But the remaining chicken is still tweeting all the day.
Mathilde has learnt a new trick. I have mentioned before that sometimes when she knows I have food then she’ll sort of butt into me, push me. Try to get her nose into my pockets. But she has picked up a trick from Magnethe. I have mentioned that too. Magnethe likes to poke me when she knows I have food. I’ll be sitting next to her and she’ll reach out a leg and poke me. It’s very cute. “Give me food” *poke-poke* “give me foooood” *poke-poke-poke*. And yes, Mathilde has started poking me too.
Just like Magnethe does it.
Don’t tell me goats aren’t intelligent. They learn from each other. That’s rather smart.
I love the way they recognise me. The way they baah when they see me. They don’t just go around baahing all the time, you know. They are very quiet actually. They almost never say anything. Only when they’re tied down, then they complain a lot. But when they’re not tied then they are always quiet. Only exceptions are if Mathilde gets in a scrap with Mads. Then she’ll baah in objection. And then when they recognise people. I know Mads recognises this guy:
When he sees that guy then he baahs a little. I’m the only one I’ve seen them come running to though. And Magnethe baahs so loudly when she sees me, it’s great. It feels sort of amazing, that I can provoke such a reaction from her. And it’s instinctive. It’s not like she sees me, looks at me and then baahs. She sees me and just baahs immediately. I love it alot.
We see eye to eye.
That’s all for today. May smiles rain upon you like kisses from the stars.
Coming up next: Fight Club!
October 10th, 2005 at 20:59 e
Hey! I won the contest. hehehe. Love the pix of the animals and especially Mathilde. The brightness in her eyes. That’s what dogs do too…poke poke poke. They poke with their noses too. So doggone cute!
October 11th, 2005 at 1:08 e
Heh ;) Mathilde looks like this in the ‘poking’ picture: ‘Hey dude, ya have something I could nibble on? You know, carrots, grass n stuff like that… C’mon’ or ‘What’s up bro? Been looking kinda off in space, so I just thought to poke you, enough of that daydreaming! Let’s go get goofy in the playground’ :)))
yeap, it’s so true Katherine, dogs just love that. but the problem is, that my dog thinks it’s ok to poke people in their behinds and other places, plus she thinks it’s so cute to poke her wet nose into my cheeks :D but it’s all good :)
I’m jellous of all the fun you have wit em, Plume ;)
have a good night and day :)