Sunday, February 05, 2006

Coffee + TV

Ice age coming, ice age coming
Throw me in the fire
Throw me in the fire
Throw me in the..

Stepping away from the politics and the hatemongering for a minute. To catch up with loose ends from the playground. Videos and pictures.

I have mentioned a couple of times that the sound of goats baahing is sweet to my ears. So here are three videos of goats baahing.

There is a hatch so they can go in and out when they want. But around 30 minutes to an hour before it’s closing time the hatch is shut so they can’t go in. And then the playground staff will go in and clean up and put food down for the goats. And the goats are outside and they can hear the noises. And that’s when they always start baahing, because they want to go in and eat. That’s a good time for me to be there, it’s like a concerto in bleating minor. Especially Magnethe baahs a lot when she hears people inside.

Also a handfull of videos from inside. You can see the goats eating. I always find it funny to watch. You’ll see their head disappear in a bucket and then hear the munching sounds. Until they have to come up for air.

goat in a bucket

Sometimes they share a bucket too.


Although Mads will never share, of course. In the videos you can see him chase away Magnethe and Mathilde if he decides that he wants to have a go at their bucket. Then they’ll go to another bucket, and Mads will turn around and chase them away from there too. I think he finds it very hard to accept that all the food doesn’t belong to him. He is obviously the leader, he takes what he wants. But there’s always enough for everyone. Two buckets and a trough, plus hay. He can’t chase the others away from everywhere at once.

Also in one of the videos there you can see Magnethe and Mathilde go up against the door. Like Mads here:

Mads up

I’m taking the picture from inside their pen. You can see how he goes up there, and his head is over the door. It always makes me smile when I walk inside and I see a goat’s head popping up like that.

I also made a video of the new lamb. A little cutie. And some pictures to go along…

the new lamb

the new lamb

the new lamb

The other new sheep hasn’t given birth yet. But it should happen any time now. Kurt told me on Thursday that he could feel it would be very soon. He said he was expecting it to happen Friday, and that it would be fun if I happened to be there for it. That would be something yes, but I guess it’s unlikely that the timing will work out. We’ll see.

Luis asked where the Prince and the twins had gone to. They have gone to Kurt’s home. He has a farm or something like it. They simply don’t have enough space at the playground to keep lots of the animals. So the sheeps sort of take turns I guess. It’s sad that they are gone yes. I still sort of miss Black and White, the two previous lambs. They were fun. But new lambs are nice too.

the new lamb

So I shall not complain. At least the Prince and the twins and their mothers are in a good place with lots of space and lots of other sheeps for company.

the new lamb

And I get a lovely new lamb to adore.

There’s something I hadn’t thought about though. The space issue. I wonder what will happen when Magnethe and Mathilde have kids. Assuming they have one each, that would make for five goats. I don’t think there will be room for that. Not if there will still be sheep. So some of the goats might have to leave. Mads should stay, he’s the only animal that the playground actually owns. The other animals belong to Kurt and he just loans them out to the playground. I imagine that there’s no way they’d split up the kids and their mothers. So it’s quite possible that either Magnethe or Mathilde will be leaving. That will break my tiny, little heart. I do remember when Magnethe was born that they talked about her replacing Mathilde. So I think Mathilde might leave. She’ll probably be retired to the farm. If that does happen then I will miss her so much. I am still amazed at how she has grown. From such a shy and withdrawn goat to a confident and happy one. When I first met her she would run away from people. Now she runs up to them. I would hate to see her leave. But let’s not get sad about that yet. Who knows, maybe they’ll build a new house or something. The goats share a house with sheep and rabbits, maybe the rabbits can be moved somewhere else and the goats can have extra space. Yes. And anyway, kids are really tiny. They wouldn’t need much space. And if everything else fails then Mathilde can just go and live in my house, yes she can.

I don’t want any of them to go of course. They are very special to me.

sweet valentine

Very special indeed.

In other news, I’m thinking about buying a new monitor. A 19 inch flatscreen. Instead of the 15 inch one I have now. That would be a good upgrade. And I’d get a cheap one, nothing fancy. I haven’t decided yet though. Will the joy of a giant flatscreen outweigh the guilt of spending cash on comics and computers? I should save up and save the world, or something equally noble.

Finally, I got a comment on my Fogh collage.

What’s so slimy about a guy who defends freedom of speech?
Wake up and smell the coffee.

I am not sure I should dignify that with an answer. But let me just say, I have smelled the coffee. And it ain’t smelling good. There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark, and it just might be Gevalia.

So there.

We’re not scaremongering
This is really happening, happening
We’re not scaremongering
This is really happening, happening

3 Responses to “Coffee + TV”

  1. Katherine Says:

    Not sure which “guy” your commenter is referring to, but if it’s Bush, he’s eroding civil liberties in the US. He’s engaged in illegal spying of US citizens. He’s trying to destroy the teaching of science in schools and instead encouraging the teaching of intelligent design – godspeak. He runs around shouting about liberty for the Iraqis and at home he’s a fascist. Go figure. My psychiatrist once said that 98% of the human race is stupid. I thought he was joking, but you look at who people vote for, who they follow, who they support, whether it’s Osama or these cretins running governments in the “free” world and he’s right.

  2. Peter Says:

    The comment was about Anders Fogh Rasmussen. I don’t think it’s fair or relevant for that matter, to make a side-by-side comparison with Gollum after he’s been standing up to fundamentalists by not willing to offer an apology for what some newspaper in Denmark is fully entitled to do, since we live in a democracy with freedom of speech. What the newspaper has done is not very wise, but it doesn’t change the fact that they have the right to do if they want to and that they should not be controlled by some islamists in Arab countries that has never seen democracy and where the media is controlled 100% by the government (i.e. Iran).

    Plume is entitled to his opinion that the Danish PM looks like Gollum, but I don’t think now is the time to publish such a cartoon on “Plume”. In fact I’ll now throw a Jihad on him.

    And now we’re talking about Lord of the Rings. Plume kinda looks like the fat hobbit from there.

  3. Milla Says:

    I believe that with the freedom of speech also comes the responsibility to use it wisely… sadly, this is not the case.

Suicidal Fish #16

(Click to see full version)
Past ones.
PS. I still love Mutts.

One Response to “Suicidal Fish #16”

  1. Milla Says:

    hehe :) makes me wanna hug the suicidalfishy… :)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Satired (Fogh + Gollum = Fogullom)

Denmark’s embassy in Syria was, apparently, burnt to the ground. It’s a little odd to see Denmark on CNN and BBC and every other channel in the world. We’re a tiny, little unassuming country. It’s somehow funny that we can inspire such hatred and conflict.

But then it’s not funny of course.

Yesterday I called our prime minister “slimy”. I really think he is. And not just because I don’t agree with his politics. He reminds me a little of Gollum. Here, I’ll show you:

anders  fogh rasmussen and gollum

Can you see the resemblance? If not Gollum, then at least the later-stage Smeagol. Corrupted and blinded by the ring. The ring being a metaphor for political power, in this particular story.

I hope I don’t get in trouble for making that picture. But at least I don’t have a flag they can burn or an embassy they can torch. I am only using my freedom of speech.

While looking for pictures to make that collage I happened upon this one too:

anders  fogh rasmussen and george bush


That is one of the creepiest things I have ever seen. Saruman and Sauron.

“Saruman used the palantir of Orthanc, and was trapped by Sauron, after which, though he thought himself to be free, he was controlled by the Dark Tower”. Yup, that sounds about right.

It’s a crazy world. I think I need a dosage of Magnethe to calm me down.


That’s better.

3 Responses to “Satired (Fogh + Gollum = Fogullom)”

  1. Milla Says:

    Oh, Magnethe does have that healing gaze :) sooo shweet!
    Plume, thanks to you I now know of the muttcomics and they really bring good vibes into my days. I lava them like a vulcano. thank u :) heh :)

    sorry to hear about the embassy. to me politics always rhymed with shmolitics and come to think of it, I like shmolitics better. hope that made any sense ;)


  2. Katherine Says:

    Magnethe for Prez! Mathilde for Foreign Affairs, and Mads for Homeland Security!

    Do you notice how alike these Bush loving leader are, physically? Tony Blair could be your Prime Minister’s first cousin. I love Jon Stewart’s imitation of President Bush…it makes me laugh out loud. It is very sad that Denmark’s embassy burned to the ground. The Canadian embassy might not be far behind now that we have a Bush loving Prime Minister in office, too. Maybe it’s a plot by the Cylons. (Battlestar Gallactica fan here!)

    I’m surprised terrorists hate Bush because he’s got way more in common with them than us common peaceloving folk do.

  3. Peter Says:

    What’s so slimy about a guy who defends freedom of speech?

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Between Light And Nowhere

A new diamond sparkles, a new lamb at the playground.

a  new lamb at the playground

I don’t think it has a name yet.

cute little thing

I wonder if it’s possible for a lamb to not be cute. Somehow I doubt it. All the little lambs I have ever seen have been wonderfully adorable.

proud mother

That’s the mother. And there’s another new sheep at the playground, she was scheduled to give birth today.

pregnant sheep

So next time I go there might be more lambs. But I am not greedy, even one is great.

welcome to the world

The downside is that the Prince and the twins have left. And so the seasons pass, we say hello and goodbye. For everyone that leaves us, new ones will take their place. Flowers will grow from the corpses.

new one

A little sweetie. I look forward to getting to know him/her better.

Yesterday I talked to Bodil. That is the name of the old lady I sometimes see at the playground. She is nice, and good to talk to. She remembers my name, because she once had a dog called Lasse too. Now she has a dog called Lulu.

poor  lulu

That is Lulu. It’s a bad picture, but you get the idea. A cute, tiny thing. I can tell that Bodil is very proud of her. She likes to talk about the race, which I have forgotten the name of. But how they are dogs of emperors and such.

I have been feeling sick. My body sore, and then my stomach started acting up. And tired, very tired. I did go to the playground today. There was an incident though. Mads almost knocked me out. He head-butted me right in the face. Luckily my glasses survived. It hurt like hell though. I am not a goat, I don’t have solid horns to take the blow. Ouch. It also wounded my pride a little. It was probably just the shock from the blow. But I started feeling sad. Self pity. “Oh even the goats don’t like me”. I know that’s silly, it’s not like Mads did it on purpose, and certainly not with any sort of malicious motive. My self esteem is just a little fragile. All it takes to blow it is a knock on the head, it seems. I actually cried a little. Sitting on the bench. Mads was being quite affectionate afterwards. I’d like to think that it was his way of saying sorry and trying to cheer me up. A typical trait of humans, to project human emotions on to (or should that be in to, or something else?) animals.

I didn’t stay sad for too long, it’s hard to stay sad when you have three wonderful goats around you.

sweet Magnethe

Just looking at that face always makes me smile. My Magnethe. She has a little wound on her back. I went and told Per about it. It’s probably nothing. But it did look a little odd, not like cut or a bite or so. And a little bald spot around it. Very small though, and the surrounding fur would cover it. So you’d only notice it if you sat like some crazy person and scratched and nuzzled her for hours. I found it like that, by accident, and she freaked out. She did not like to be touched there. I had a hard time holding her still when I wanted to examine her to see what it was I had found. Poor girl. But I’m sure it’s nothing yes, I just wanted the playground people to know about it.

In other news: I have discovered Antony and the Johnsons. And fallen instantly in love. Hope There’s Someone is just about the most beautiful song I have heard in a long, long while.

Hope there’s someone who’ll take care of me
When I die
Will I go?

Hope there’s someone who’ll set my heart free
Nice to hold
When I’m tired

It makes me cry, like a goat’s butt on the head.

Speaking of music, the pumpkins revival continues. Maybe I will get to see them live some day after all. I can but hope.

News that I’m ignoring: The whole Jyllands Posten deal with the drawings of Mohammad. That situation is just completely grotesque. Burning the Danish flag? Wouldn’t it be something if World War III got started over some Drawings in a Danish newspaper? You’d never see animals start a worldwide war.

Flag burning, boycot, fatwa. And then our slimy prime minister on Arabic television. The whole thing is absurd. I wonder what the gods are thinking?

Okay, I’m ignoring it from now.

5 Responses to “Between Light And Nowhere”

  1. Desiree Says:

    I had a dog called Lasse too, when I was a little girl. Now, I’m expecting a little girl, and her dog is called Angel. I’m trying hard also to ignore the news at the moment, cos it saddens me no end that my little girl will be born into a world so full of ignorance and misplaced anger. I just want her to be happy and live in a world where people aren’t always arguing. But I guess that’s too much to ask. But at least she’s got a guardian Angel;)

  2. Anne Says:

    Det er en pekingeser, tidligere tempelhund i Kina, mens vi andre rodede med stenøkser. Forøvrigt en fætter til min moppe, Thor. Kun kejserens familie måtte ha’ pekingesere – andre fine folk måtte nøjes med mopper. Og Mads hakkede dig, fordi han tror, du er ved at overtage legen. Så’n er drenge. Og han har ikke ment noget ondt med det – det gør dyr nemlig ikke, og derfor er de på en række punkter bedre end vi dyr, som tror, vi kan tænke. Og så få en læge til at se på den mave – det er for tid, den te’r sig.

  3. Christina Says:

    Hehehe,.. slimy primeminister. Den var god ;)

  4. Lindsay Says:

    The new mother sheep has the same skinny face as her baby. I didn’t know family resemblance held that much in animals, although I suppose it makes perfect sense.

  5. Milla Says:

    newbies! fun :)))
    my friend is a big fan of Antony and the Johnsons, he wanted to lend me their cd, but then I forgot to remind him. the next time I see him I’ll be like ‘remeber that cd u wanted to lend me. well, I want it now!’ ok ok, maybe I’ll say ‘hello’ and ‘how are you’ first. maybe ;)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Gold Medals

My body feels like it has passed through a meat grinder. And then passed through it again. And then somebody jumped on whatever is left. But don’t worry, the Olympics are several months away. I will be in better shape by then.

Remember the ice? The ice diamonds and the ice layer on the snow with the funny goat walking? Videos here

And closeup of Magnethe. She has grown so big. I remember when I could pick her up and hold her. I’d break my back if I tried to do that today. Objectively maybe she isn’t as gorgeous as she was when she was a kid, but I still think she’s the loveliest thing in the world.

And finally me falling in the mud. D’oh! I should learn from the goats, stay away from the mud.

Achy, breaky heart.

One Response to “Gold Medals”

  1. Milla Says:

    shweet :)))

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Don Rosa Is Comin’ Like A Troll Snort To Norway

Then one foggy christmas winter morning…

the  fog

Yesterday morning, lost in the bog. Sorry, in the fog.

Today I had a bad morning. I woke up from a sad dream that almost made me cry. I looked at the alarm clock, 4 minutes till I had to get up. My body was aching and all I wanted to do was to sleep, sleep, sleep. A miracle that I managed to drag myself to work.

On my way home from work I walked by that comic book store I mentioned. Komics. What did they have on display in the window? A Don Rosa Hall of Fame book. I took that as a sign from above, went in and bought it. So now I can get a fix of Don Rosa.

You all know who Don Rosa is, right? He is a duck drawer. Donald Duck. Or if you’re American, $crooge McDuck. I think. Anyway, he’s the best Duck artist in my opinion. Better than Carl Barks, although I might get lynched for saying so. When I grew too adult to read the weekly Donald Duck magazine I still kept the issues with Don Rosa stories. They are still worth a read, even when you get too old to have fun.

Duckburg, about Don Rosa.

So there.

I found something odd in my sitemeter yesterday. It’s a guy asking for opinions on what he should write about in his blog to get more visitors. Look at the comments. There’s one by me, apparently. Only I didn’t leave it. The comment says “Try looking at my blog for inspiration” and then there’s a link to my blog. I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave that comment. Unless I blacked out or something. At first I thought it was someone trying to frame me for spamming. There are spammers doing that in many blogs, leaving spam and then pretending to be other bloggers. So I thought maybe I was the victim of something like that. But then I realized that the comment there isn’t spam, it’s actually just helpful. And the owner of the blog thanks for the comment too. So no harm, no foul. I just wonder why someone would sign with my name? They could have just left their own name and said “look at Plume’s blog here”. If anyone can shed some light on it, please do.

Anne, I don’t know why you have trouble with leaving long comments. I did a test with a really long comment and it worked fine. Odd. You can always use the guestbook if everything else fails. I still check it, if for nothing else then to clear out the daily spam.

Milla, that thing on the wall in the goat’s pen isn’t toilet paper, it’s a salt lick thing. Haha, I can see that it sort of looks like a roll of toilet paper, though.

It was a mild day today. I didn’t even need my gloves and scarf. The sound of melting snow and ice. The frost will be back though, minus 10 degrees in the weekend apparently.

And I don’t mind.

5 Responses to “Don Rosa Is Comin’ Like A Troll Snort To Norway”

  1. Crystal Dawn Says:

    I’ve really enjoyed reading your winter thoughts and seeing your horses, billy goats and cats! You made me feel as if I could leave the cities of the United States and relax in the warmth of your culture, no matter how cold that snow gets! Keep writing!

  2. Katherine Says:

    Blogspot has a feature its using to prevent blog spammers.You have to type in a series of letters or letters and numbers before each entry is posted. I asked them to relieve me of that burden, which they did, but I guess spammers are now using blogs to spam. I guess, like the natural world, the virtual one has its parasites and creepy crawlers. Will spam ever die?

  3. Milla Says:

    Thanks for clearing that up for me Plume :))) I checked the weather and we’re in for a cold weekend, but I don’t mind either, cause I also love the feeling of winter wonderland around. I just wish there was more snow. I remember, when it first started snowing this winter, a snowflake of a perfect shape landed on my coat. I probably looked like crazy, because i started nervously searching for my phone and shaking my bag, cause I wanted a pic of it to remember. Too bad they melt so fast… :)

    lmNOp to spammers!

  4. Crystal Dawn Says:

    Are you calling my comment spam? Sorry… Don’t worry. I won’t comment or read your blog again. I see the weather isn’t the only cold aspect of your blog!

  5. Plume Says:

    Who has called your comment spam? I think you must have misunderstood something…

Sunday, January 29, 2006

In A Winter Wonderland

Alritey then. Picture time.

First off we have a little funny scene from Friday.

I was watching the goats eat. Marvelling at how they can get through a bucket of chow in no time. Mathilde literally buried her head in a bucket and ate and ate. And somehow she managed to get the handle of the bucket around her neck. So when she lifted her head up, the bucket was hanging around her neck almost like a necklace.

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Mathilde vs bucket

Hah. There Magnethe is trying to get her face into the bucket too.

She didn’t seem to mind too much, Mathilde. Eventually I got her to come over to me and got the bucket off her. Fun stuff.

Yesterday I got to feed the goats. Officially, I mean. Jannie and her family was there, feeding all the animals. I went into the goats’ pen and stayed with them for a while. And then when Jannie came with their food she asked if I wanted to feed them. So I did. It’s not like it’s a big task. She handed me a bucket of goat food mixture and I distributed into the buckets in the pen. Of course the goats don’t want to wait till the food is in their appropriate buckets, they want to eat it immediately, out of the bucket in your hand. But I managed to do it. And it was nice, helping out like that. I also hand fed them a bit. Picked up a handfull from a bucket and then let them eat it out of my hand. Funny, they can eat down a whole handfull without stopping to breathe.

A good time. And then I went for a walk in the park. A beautiful winter day. Foggy and frozen.

I took pictures, of course. I am quite happy with them. I’m not saying they’re great or anything. But I love the winter and these capture the mood of my walk quite nicely I think.

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

When it’s summer I will look at these pictures and sigh to myself.

Few more pictures. Remember that you can click on them if you want to see full size versions.

tree at the church

A tree at the church.


And a duck at the playground. It always sits in that spot, on the fence.

And a couple more snowscenes:

beautiful snow scenes

beautiful snow scenes

There. All done.

I am currently considering whether I should buy the Don Rosa Hall of Fame books. I said the other day that I wanted to dig my old Don Rosa comics out, but I can’t find them. I think I might have thrown them out when I was young and stupid. I could buy the Hall of Fame books, but there are 3 volumes already. It would be something like 600 kroners. With more volumes in the future. That’s a lot of money for comics. Still, I love Don Rosa’s stories. I don’t know. There’s a comicbook store right next to my workplace. Maybe I’ll stop in there, I think they have used books too. Maybe I can find a good deal.

That’s all folks. I would appreciate it if one or two of you out there would try to leave a comment on the entry, just so I can see that it’s all working with the spam filter and such.

Thank you.

9 Responses to “In A Winter Wonderland”

  1. jeanine Says:

    wow. ASTONISHING PICTURES!! beautiful! it looks like you went on the set of the lion, the witch and the warbrode to take pictures.

    Hey, I don’t know if you still collect postcards. We exchanged postcards a while back. I have a pseudonym: harriet m. welsch. I’m not sure if I used that name or my real name. hmp. anyway, would you like to receive another postcard? if so, email me your address :)

  2. Valja Says:

    Here’s your comment — lovely pics! Hope you get to enjoy more picturesque walks in the snow. It only snowed here for a few minutes on Friday and I was in my room so I missed it …. oh well.

  3. Milla Says:

    Hello ;) the pictures were awesome! some of them with Magnethe and the bucket were hillarious :D she’s very cute. hmmm, the duck might be frozen to that place, maybe someone should check on her. but it’s more likely that she simply enjoys that place :D

    ok, gotta run. have a great monday ;)

  4. Milla Says:

    oops, pardon, Mathilde! so good she can’t read :) shame on me.

  5. Milla Says:

    p.s. is that toilet paper hanging in the backround? cool :D

    ok, this time I’m really out ;)

  6. hanne Says:

    hey can we talk some time soon? :)
    but, not on tuesdays or thursdays
    working too much, sorry!

  7. Anne Says:

    Det er åbenbart kun, når jeg skriver langt, det går galt.

  8. Katherine Says:

    I really envy you your winter. Those photos are like a dreamscape. Such pretty muted colours. It almost looks warm, not cold. It’s been pouring down rain here every day for two months. Yuck. I miss snow but you can’t make it snow in a rainforest.

    It seems like you’re having a really great winter this year, eh? Usually the snow melts quickly doesn’t it?

    I love the photos of Mathilde in bucket heaven. Yes, funny how animals big and small love buckets as long as they have food. Magnethe is looking HUGE, as big as her mom. I guess she’s all grown up now physically but she’ll always be the baby.

    “Funny, they can eat down a whole handfull without stopping to breathe.” Reminds me of how Tina INHALED the food I brough her. She could put a whole anything in her mouth and make it disappear in five seconds. Good thing elephants aren’t carnivores or we’d be toast!

  9. Plume at work dot com Says:

    THis is a test I am testing to test the tested testingness wouldn’t you like to know what I’m testing? There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    girls are pretty and so are goats, altohugh in very different ways and why save electricity? There’s lost tomorrow I am lost without lost oh I am tired I am testing.
    snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    girls are pretty and so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is pretty
    is pretty and I like the feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow is
    feeling of cold crisp air I want to go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    go home I had a dreamt hat made me cry if you cery for me argentineeeeaaaaaaa
    so are goats, altohugh There is much to test I will copy paste too so don’t be confused I like snow, snow

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Service Announcement

I have been getting enormous amounts of spam. So I tried fiddling with a spam filter. It worked so well that all comments where denied, whether they were spam or not. So if you have left a comment in the blog the last day or two it has probably been swallowed whole and is gone. Without me getting to read it, sniffle. The filter oughta be working now though (Thanks for the help Maria), so feel free to leave me loads of comments.

I have had a nice day today. Frost and fog and animals. I will write about it tonight, or possibly tomorrow. I have a lot of pictures to process, it might take a while. But at least you have something to look forward to.

Oh by the way, if any of you happen to see Moomincat out on some great adventure, could you tell him to stop by my house again soon? I miss him terribly.

2 Responses to “Service Announcement”

  1. Plume Says:

    Bloody good job old chap

  2. Plume Says:


Friday, January 27, 2006

Axel F Theme

Someone likes the snow. No, I’m not talking about Plume. I’m talking about Sine, the horse.

a roll in the hay

sine rolls in the snow


She was rolling back and forth in the snow, but of course she decided to get up when I went over to take pictures. So I only managed a few quick, random shots. Still fun though.

Sine  the horse

Lovely girl.

7 Responses to “Axel F Theme”

  1. Anne Says:

    Jeg ville kun sige, at ungdomsbilledet af mumikatten næsten helt afslører, at det er en han. Og så er jeg enig med mange af dine andre læsere, og forøvrigt skal Magnethe måske ha’ små til foråret, så…Det kan også være manglen på lys, så ud i vejret.

  2. Anne Says:

    Jeg ville kun sige, at ungdomsbilledet af mumikatten næsten helt afslører, at det er en han. Og så er jeg enig med mange af dine andre læsere, og forøvrigt skal Magnethe måske ha’ små til foråret, så…Det kan også være manglen på lys, så ud i vejret.

  3. Anne Says:

    Jeg ville kun sige, at ungdomsbilledet af mumikatten næsten helt afslører, at det er en han. Og så er jeg enig med mange af dine andre læsere, og forøvrigt skal Magnethe måske ha’ små til foråret, så…Det kan også være manglen på lys, så ud i vejret.

  4. Emma Says:

    oooh, a fjordhorse.. my favourite. so beautiful!!

  5. Milla Says:

    What a cutie! Moments like these always remind me of the funny dog from K-9 rolling around on the grass to the ‘I feel goooood’ tunes :)

  6. Milla Says:

    What a cutie! Moments like thses remind me of the funny dog from K-9, when he was rolling on the grass to the ‘I feel goooood’ tunes :)

    Lovely indeed :)))

  7. Milla Says:

    the horsy is a cutie pie :))) reminds me of the moments from K-9 movie, where the dog was rolling on the grass to the ‘I feel good’ tunes :) lovely!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Snow Brigade

Twas a cold and grey morning today. The snow falling. City lights and headlights. People wrapped up in big, warm clothes.

I love walking in the snow. I had Mew’s Snow Brigade playing on the MP3 player. I would say it was a great coincidence, but I purposely set it to play that song. Sometimes you have to take destiny into your own hands.

Work was… different. Sanne was back from being sick. She picked the wrong day to come back. Everything was down. Internet, intranet, printer. Nothing worked. I needed to burn the files for our monthly poster on a CD, but you might remember that I switched computers? There’s no CD burner in the computer I have now. And since the entire network was down I couldn’t move the files to another computer.

Anders slept in, Søren, Ole and Kenneth were sick. Sanne still half-sick, and me tired. Sanne had to call Kenneth to work, he’s the computer techie. So he came to work sick and ran around trying to get things to work.

I twiddled my thumb for a while.

Moomincat at work

Watched Plume videos.


Watched the snow falling.

Eventually the office network came back and I moved the files and burnt them and then I went out in the snow to deliver the CD to the graphics place, where they print our posters.

After work I went to the playground and had fun with the goats. Katherine, you really hit the nail on the head with your description of Magnethe wondering why I didn’t come anymore. Aw that darn near broke my heart. Good guilt trip! Thank you guys, for being there and for listening.

Tonight I’m going to go to bed with a moomintroll book and a cup of warm chicken soup. With the window open and the coldness of winter in the air. That is one of my favourite places to be, under a warm blanket in a cold room with the snow outside.

In other news: Tina Dickow’s In The Red was realeased today in America. Great music from a great girl. The album just went gold in Denmark and also she was nominated for three Danish Music Awards (the Danish Grammies). So check it out now, funk soul brother. As it says on her site, the title track of the album is Free Download Of The Week on iTunes, so give that a try if you’re connected.

And that’s the end of that one.

One Response to “Snow Brigade”

  1. Anne Says:

    Dette er en prøve – du hører mere, hvis den virker.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Diamonds + Pearls

What a beautiful day. Lots of snow on the ground. The sun shining almost all day. Cold and beautiful.

And the ice. Remember a couple of nights ago there was a big storm and the next day ice was falling everywhere? From trees and windows and walls and doors and fences and bushes. Crashing ice. And today the ice was still there. Like a million diamonds sparkling in the sunshine. Lying in the snow. Absolutely beautiful. I don’t remember seeing anything like it before, not in recent times when I would have appreciated it anyway.

I have taken pictures. They don’t really do it justice, but you can get an idea.

ice  diamonds

ice  diamonds

ice  diamonds

ice  diamonds

ice  diamonds

ice  diamonds

I know we humans need the sunshine, but to me there is no season as beautiful as winter.

snowy day

And when you have snow + sun then it’s just perfect.

I’m feeling better. It was good to get out and about. I have missed three days of work and then it’s been weekend. I have been a little sick and a lot depressed. Being shut inside doesn’t help. It got worst on Saturday when I started reading the alt.suicide.methods newsgroup. And then researched hypothermia. Dying in the snow always seemed romantic to me. And right now would be the time, last night it was -16 degrees. And I just heard on the news that hundreds of people have died in the winter here in Europe. The massive cold. Of course those are mostly old and frail people, not people with corpular insulation like mine.

It’s hard to write about, because I don’t want to sound completely pathetic. I am not fishing for pity and I am not needing to be talked off the ledge. But on the other hand it is serious because I was seriously thinking about it and looking at methods. And I want to be open about it. That’s the best way to deal with it I guess, not locking it inside.

When I think about suicide I always end up thinking about what I would write here. Not what I would write in a letter to my family, no what I would write in my blog. What does that say about my life?

Well, at least it says that I know some wonderful people online, people that I don’t want to hurt or let down. And that’s a good thing.

Suicide isn’t as easy as you’d think, thank god. Or maybe it’s just that I still have a will to live.

Let’s not be depressed. It was good to get out. Catch up on overdue work. And back to the playground. Because of the snowstorming and the depression I hadn’t seen the goats since Thursday. Much too long.

mads and me

I still know how to smile.¨And Mads still knows how to look devilish.

a  boy and his goat

Sometimes he just stares off into the distance. I like that. I wonder what goes on in his head.

magnethe in the snow

Beautiful Magnethe in the beautiful snow.

goat fun

The snow is hard. There’s a top layer of almost ice. Not watery ice, like the diamonds. But snow that’s frozen solid. It makes it hard to walk around in it. Not least for the animals. The goats had kept to the sides of their fold, so the center was untouched snow. I walked around in it a little, and the goats followed me. When they stepped on the snow they would break through the solid top layer. Hard for them to walk like that, staggering forward, every step crunching through the ice. Extremely cute to watch too though. A little like Bambi on ice, only their legs punching through the ice instead of sliding around.

I went and got a blanket in the rabbit house. Per had told me that I could use it when I wanted. Handy. The bench had a big layer of snow and the ice on top. So I had to clear out a spot for me. And then Mads of course jumped up next to me, ice and snow flying everywhere.

It’s not all so bad. It’s only in my head.

4 Responses to “Diamonds + Pearls”

  1. Maile Says:

    it took me a long time to realize that life is worth living. and even now i wonder sometimes. i have researched methods and such too. and that’s always not a good sign. but at the same time. it’s better to fantasize about it than to actually do it. hang in there. there are many beautiful things in the world worth seeing and experiencing. like snowstorms and pretty girls and rainbows and goats and moomincats. sometimes i get into a funk. i’m pretty funky right now actually, and it’s probably time for me to start looking for a new therapist. so i’m going to have to do that. put your courage in the sticking place. love ya!

  2. Milla Says:

    Hi there Plume. Been there, done that too. But in the end, the thought that always helped me to hang in there was that, for one reason or the other, this stuff is kinda selfish. I didn’t give myself life, so to take it isn’t in my competence either. Plus, there are a lot of people out there, who care for your well-being. It’s a great thing that you let us share this period of your life & I believe I could have been a lot better off if I wasn’t afraid of talking about it openly. There isn’t a single human being on this planet that hasn’t thought about disappearing at one or another stage in their lives, and of that i’m sure. And what helped them get through these rough periods was… hope & the will to live. And you’ve got that in you Plume, I know you do. Remember, time is a healer and as Maile mentioned, too many beautiful things are around & there are still lots of them to see. I think that consulting your therapist (I like to call mine ‘the wizard of Oz’ :) could be a good idea at this time. Just tell me if you need a good kick in the behind to do that, I’m always there at your service ;) I’m going to my therapist next week, because right now I’m kinda confused of which road to take in my relationships with people & studies. She’s like my personal coach of the inside & I really hope she can give me some good advice. Hey, if I don’t give that lady a visit, I’ll never know.

    Amigo, I hope I didn’t sound like a moralising old lady, but remember, I’m here for leaving long & friendly comments ;)

    p.s. the pics are magnificent!

    p.p.s. hugs n kisses


  3. Milla Says:

    oh, and…

    p.p.p.s. Maile, good luck! :)

  4. Debbie Says:

    Plume I found your website thru bbbbbbbbbbabyannnimals. I’d written in your journal before or I left some sort of note. I am writing you to tell you about my heartbreak that my 14 yr old son left me with after he hung himself. No – I am not talking you off the ledge there are times when I would join you on that ledge, but just to hold you and tell you the hurt I have gone through for 3 yrs since he has been gone. You remind me alot of him with your ruddy cheeks. Your journal is fabulous and being from New Mexico it is just amazing I love your diamonds and pearls pictures. I have cried every day for 3 years for my son. I don’t know why I’m writing this maybe just to say if you were to complete sucide I would miss your lovely journal thats all. A friend in New Mexico