Monday, October 31, 2005

All Shallow’s Eve

I thought it would be funny to make a stupid entry about shallowe eve, but then I realized that I was too tired and instead I threw together some playground pictures. I am nothing if not predictable in my unpredictability.

So I get to the playground, right and I’m like “whoah” cause Magnethe is like totally tied up.


Aw, poor Magnethe. I’m pretty sure that’s the first time she’d been tied. She seemed a little confused by the fact that she couldn’t just go where she wanted. When she saw me she baahed and started jumping around, trying to run to me. Aw. She actually managed to pull the rope thingie out of the ground! My little precious. She also managed to get me completely tangled in her rope. I was sitting next to her. And then Mads came. And Magnethe wanted to run away, so she ran around me and the rope followed and soon I was sitting with rope around me and Magnethe pressed up to me. Hehe.

Did I tell you about the game we played? Last week. I played “run around the tree” with her. She wanted to butt my leg. I hid behind a tree. And when she tried to get to me I started swinging around the tree. And she would run after me. Like we were dancing around a christmas tree. Of course she soon wised up to me and stopped and turned around to go the other way around the tree. So I had to stop and change my direction too. She’s a clever little one.


Mathilde was tied too. Mads, however, was running around freely. He will be going away one of the next days. I’m not sure if I’ll get a chance to say goodbye to him, so I sort of did it today.


I’m going to miss that crazy guy. But he’ll be back, no worries.

The buck who is replacing him temporarily is indeed coming to impregnate Mathilde. So she can have a new baby kid next summer. I didn’t know goats were pregnant that long. You learn all the time.

I must admit I’m not too fond of the idea of some strange buck coming and having his way with Mathilde. She’s so shy and all. I hope it won’t be traumatizing. But okay, she’s done it before. I will try not to act like a concerned father. And the idea of a new kid is wonderful of course. A brother or sister for Magnethe. If that doesn’t put a smile on my face then nothing will.

We’ll also be getting a new sheep with lamb. Polka needs company. Alice told me. It’s not enough with The Prince.


She needs adult company too. So there are new things to look forward to. And old things to appreciate.


I wish I could retire to the playground. I wouldn’t see my life as wasted if I spent the rest of it there. I know it’s not conventional wisdom and I wouldn’t be fulfilling my potential, but I’d be happy. And I wouldn’t mind that.

I can dream though, I can dream.

Remember the littlest piglet? The little runt who needed to be handfed. Here he is again.



He’s getting bigger, but still smaller than the rest of the litter.

In other news, I’d pay good money to anyone who can kill the idiots that are spamming my guestbook. Some asian spam-ring. The funny thing is that they are leaving their spam messages as private entries, so no one can see the links they’re posting. Geez. It only takes me a few seconds to delete the entries. But they keep posting new ones. When I wake up in the morning there are 20 new ones. Plus I’m getting spam in the blog comments too. Weird, stupid spam that is trying to frame innocent sites.

I like how the birth process of goats is called kidding. Hehe. Goats are just all kinds of fun.

Interesting too. I like reading about them. I should get a book or something. I guess Mads is a Wether. A castrated male goat. Good to know. Breeding age from 8-10 months. Magnethe is close to 8 months I think. That buck better keep his hands off of her or he’ll answer to me.

Men. You can’t trust us.

One Response to “All Shallow’s Eve”

  1. Katherine Says:

    re the guestbook terrorists (Ospamas?)…I’ve been fortunate so far. I believe Haloscan must have something that prevents spam because I’ve never seen any in the comments of anyone using it. You might want to report it to getstring. Find out if there’s any way you can block the IP addresses.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Sexual Confusion In The 90s

Hello boys and girls. I hope you have had a nice weekend. Full of sex and hard liquor. But enough about my escapades.

Instead of sex, drugs and rock’n'roll I have a picture of my brother. That should satisfy my evil twin at least. Is it incest if your imaginary evil twin has the hots for your brother? Hmm.


This is probably my most controversial entry ever. And I haven’t even mentioned the whipped cream.

Speaking of controversy, how about them Arabian Simpsons? At least Omar still goes d’oh.

Is it called Arabian Simpsons? Or Arabic Simpsons? Or Arab Simpsons? Hmm. Languages is complicating thing sometime.

Happy halloweem every bodies!

PS. Thank god for daylight saving time. Mmmm I enjoyed my extra hour via the gift of sleeping. With whipped cream.

One Response to “Sexual Confusion In The 90s”

  1. Kimporator Says:

    Hey Mr. Plume – Have you been drinking just before you wrote this one ?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Finding Your Own Voice

And now the conclusion.

Yesterday Pernille told me that I would have to say goodbye to Mads soon. And I thought “Nonono no no no” and feared the worst. I didn’t want to lose my dear Mads.

Turns out he will be going away, but only temporarily. He’s going, well basically he’s going to fat camp. The poor guy, haha.

He is going to go back to Kurt’s place. Kurt owns all the animals, except Mads funnily enough. But Mads will go back to Kurt’s farm. Mainly because they are bringing in a buck to the playground for Magnethe and Mathilde. And they’re worried if a new buck and Mads will get along. I’m still not entirely clear on the whole thing. I’m not sure if this new buck is supposed to impregnate Magnethe or Mathilde. Or if it’s just socializing. Or something. But the buck will be at the playground for a while and Mads will be at Kurt’s place. And while Mads is there he will be on a strict hay/water diet. He’s going to hate that! Like Pernilly said, if he knew what was in store for him he’d be trying to escape right now.

Not only will there be a buck visiting, there will also be Mathilde’s twin sister! Yes, she has a twin sister. I never knew. That’s going to be interesting. I wonder if I can tell them apart… And I wonder if they will act the same. Mathilde used to be so shy, she’s much more confident now. But her sister must have lived on the farm all her life. Will she be shy around people? Confident? I have no idea. And the buck too, I wonder if it will be possible to be friends with him. Mads is neutered, and he’s a big handful. If that buck isn’t neutered then he might be even stronger and more aggressive. Hmm.

I will miss Mads. But it’s good to know that he’ll come back fitter and healthier. Pernille said that he would miss me too. They had joked about them hiring me to keep him company at the farm haha. I wish. Keeping Mads company would be a dream job. I’d do it for free if there wasn’t that whole “life outside” thing to take care of.

I hope he’ll have fun with the other goats. I have this paranoid delusion of him being the “soft” city goat and getting bullied by all the tough farm goats. He likes to think he’s a big, strong leader but he’s really a big softie down deep. I like how Katherine described him in the Mads&Me videos. “What a big lamb he is”. He totally is. He’s not as tough as he seems. At all. And he’s used to being pampered, spoiled and getting all the attention. I just have this sad image in my head of him standing alone in the corner of a stable, missing the playground and the people and Magnethe and Mathilde while the other goats make fun of him. Aw. But I know it’s just my imagination. I’m sure it’ll be good for him. I hope he won’t forget me while he’s gone.

I have leftover pictures of The Prince.


Prince charming, you might say.


How can you resist that face?

The goats have been a little rough with him though. Especially Mathilde, for some reason. She was chasing him around a couple of times. I had to help keep them apart. I know it’s normal for the sheep and goats to go head to head sometimes, but The Prince is just a little too young for that yet. Don’t want him to get hurt.

Maybe it’s because Magnethe is threatening Mathilde’s status in the ranks. So Mathilde is more keen on marking her position.


Mads seemed more curious, just looking at the little newcomer. Oh, notice the face there? They recently painted the stables. And that hay-holder thing there looked sort of like a mouth I guess. So they painted in eyes. Cute, eh?


The kids love him of course. There is a lot of pre-teen whining going on. Whining like “*Whiiiine* it’s Robbie Williams!!!”. Only it’s The Prince instead of Robbie Williams.


And mother is always close by.


Yes. Right there.

There was one time when Polka was walking out on the grounds and The Prince stood in the doorway to the stables and waited. And then when Polka was just getting a little too far away The Prince started baahing to call her back. Baahing in that “I haven’t quite developed my voice yet” way.

Just like she walks in a “I haven’t quite learned to control my legs yet” way.

Sometimes she does little spontaneous jumps. Like her legs are little springs and every once in a while she just pops up and bounces around a little. It’s so funny, it looks like she just can’t control it, she just has to bounce.

There’s nothing like a new little baby animal to make the world bounce.

And don’t forget Groucho.


He’s great. I love how the piglets come up and sniff to my hand now. Only a week ago or so they would run squealing away if you entered their stable.

Time makes you bolder.


I also love the falling colours. Things are never black and white.

Well, apart from the lambs. You know.

Friday, October 28, 2005

To Be Continued

Everybody was kung-fu fighting


that Prince was fast as lightning


in fact it was a little bit frightning


but they fought with expert timing.

Doobie dooby doop-doop doop-dub-doop!

Yes, sorry I don’t know how that last line goes.

I love The Prince.

Today Pernille told me that I would have to say goodbye to Mads soon. Shock! Horror! Gasp! Tune in tomorrow to read the conclusion!

(Don’t worry though, there’s a happy end coming)

One Response to “To Be Continued”

  1. Florida Girl Says:

    Prinsen er dejlig!!!
    A Belated congrats on your 6 month anniversary.
    Keep up the great job – and no, you are not getting boring. :)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Brain And Learning

So I was going to tell you about therapy. On Tuesday. Before The Prince so rudely interrupted me with his starbound cuteness.

I have actually been feeling a little down. I think I have neglected to mention it. Feeling sorry for myself and doubting my ability to make things okay. A little half-depression. Which caused me to miss the last therapy session, I know I have neglected to mention that. It was stupid of me of course, this group therapy is a big chance for me and it would be criminally insane of me to waste it. So I picked myself up and got back on track and went to the meeting this Tuesday. I was greeted by Anne, another of the phobics, who seemed really, genuinely happy to see me. She had seen that there were only 5 chairs out in the therapy room and therefore she knew that one of us was out sick. And she told me that she was really happy that it wasn’t me who was gone. Happy that I was back. That was a good, positive way to start the session for me.

It was a tough session. I was a little behind, compared to the others. I had to catch up, which meant I had to be really active. I had to do my exposure thing in front of the group. Everyone has had to. Doing something in front of the group. My test was just to talk in front of the others, that is exposure to one of my greatest fears of course. Talking in front of other people. So I talked for five minutes about my work. Five minutes might not sound like a long time. But time is relative. Five minutes of the hardest thing you can imagine, that’s a long time. While five minutes of eating ice cream, well that’s just over before you’ve managed to say “mmmmmmmm ice cream”.

But I got through it. And it went really well actually. I got a lot of positive feedback from the others. They said I seemed happy and extroverted. Haha. Yes, that’s me in a nutshell. But that was good. We always have to measure things on a 10-scale. How nervous are you? How much do you believe this? How yellow is your golf shirt? On a scale from 1 to 10. Before my test I said that I thought my nervousness would be around 9. After it was done I said it had been around 2-3. I almost didn’t have time to get nervous. And I spoke fluently, I had a few little timouts where I had to think about what to say next, but nothing important. And I didn’t mumble or stumble. So it was pretty much a big success. I’m quite happy with it.

I also got asked out to dinner. With the rest of the group. That will be interesting. I haven’t been out to a dinner in a restaurant since I was a kid. And back then it was spaghetti and sausages at the supermarket bistro. So this will be something new. And scary. But good social practice. I mean, this is the whole point of the therapy. To get to a point where I’m able to do things like that. Going out to dinner with friends. And the people in the group are all really nice and sweet. It’s liberating to know that they all deal with the same problems, the same fears and phobias. You know you won’t be judged, at least not harshly and unfairly.

There aren’t many sessions left now. Once they’re done then we have individual talks. And then we have to go out and train on our own. And then in a few months there will be a followup session.

Next session is “bring your family” session. Where we can invite a family member if we want. I’m not going to do it, though. I just… can’t. I’m not ready for that. The only one I could invite is my mother, and I’m just not ready to involve her that deeply. I’m glad she knows what’s going on. And she is supportive. But bringing her to a session, that’s too much.

But other than that it was good to be back in group. I feel more positive about it again. There’s no good in thinking about how hard it is and all that. I gotta stay positive and work for the future. Etcetera.

I will Try, Try, Try.

Hey, don’t forget The Prince.


I love the lamb face. That sheepish grin.


Just like Black and White. Born smiling at the world.

The playground is a continuing source of not only happiness but also therapy for me. My relationship with the animals is a success, it’s something I have done well at. Something positive about myself. That is always hard for me to recognise. One of the things I had to do in therapy was fill out my ressource list. Write down things that I like about myself. That is so hard. I’m sure lots of people can relate, even people without social phobia. Just people with self esteem of confidence issues. It can be hard to aknowledge your own qualities. If you grow up telling yourself that you’re no good, then that’s hard to change. My basic self image is that I’m worthless. Now rationally I know that isn’t true. But the brain is a powerful thing. If I say that I’m worthless then my brain goes “Yup, that’s right you dumbfuck”. If I say “I’m a nice person” then my brain says “As if, don’t kid yourself loser”. Stupid brain. I’ll get you one day.

Anyway, that’s why the successes matter so much. That’s why it means a lot to me when people say how well I do with the animals. And when you nice internet people leave me positive comments. It’s like picking away at the wall of negativity in my head. Pulling it down one brick at a time. Because if others can say that I have good qualities, then maybe I can say it about myself too. And maybe I can believe it. Maybe I am worth something. After all. Maybe, just maybe, I have a right to be in this world and claim my own happiness.

I just need to convince my brain.


This is where I usually leave the playground. Over the fence and down the slope. With Magnethe and Mathilde watching me as I go.


And this is a grey morning.

And this is the end of the entry.

One Response to “The Brain And Learning”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I heard a psychologist say that self-esteem and self-confidence come from inside, not the outside. In other words, the outside world can tell us we’re wonderful until the cows come home but if we don’t believe it, it won’t make any difference. She also said that the way to build self-esteem and confidence is to take risks, do things that make us proud of ourselves. You’ve been taking a lot of risks in the last two years and every risk you’ve taken has boosted your self-confidence.

    Even though you still hear that negative voice, I can tell it has a lot less power over you than it used to. It seems to me that your activities are proving the voice is a liar. For example, the voice might say that speaking in public is something you can’t do without making a fool of yourself, but then you do it and find out that even though you were nervous and afraid at first, the longer you spoke the easier and more exhilirating it became. The voice that was speaking was yours, not the cruel voice.

    When you were finished the people you spoke to responded warmly to you. You were fine. So the voice lies. Eventually the voice will sound like the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoon. Wah. Wah. Wah. Just meaningless sounds.

    I agree with you that the animals are therapy. I think that photo of the goats watching you as you leave speaks volumes about their attachment to someone they know is special. The goats look forward to seeing you arrive and hearing your voice. The animals are pure, they don’t hear the voices we do. They don’t have our prejudices. But they’re not stupid or dumb either. People who are arrogant often conclude that “barnyard” animals are dumb…but this is ignorance. Animals do distinguish the good from the bad and they reject certain types of people because they can intuit what’s on the inside of a person.

    You are a voice in the world, a presence in the world. You have made a difference in the world. You have touched other people, like the lady in your group, your readers here, and others. The animals have adopted you. They trust you. They don’t trust everybody.

    The world belongs to you and you belong to the world. The voice is also part of this world. In some ways if you hadn’t gone through all that crap you wouldn’t be you, you’d be someone else. Maybe you’d be someone who wouldn’t understand and have as much empathy as you do. Maybe you’d be someone less attuned to these important things.

    So maybe the voice can be seen as something instructive, something to learn from. But make no mistake, the voice no longer controls you.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Prince And I

The Prince was out and about today.


Even cuter in the sunlight.


Ready and willing to be cuddled.


What a cute, cute, cute little guy he is.


Mads watching the new family.


The mother isn’t called Olga by the way. I guess I misheard it originally. Her name is Polka. Hehe. She does have sort of polka dots on her ears. Or dots at least. What is a polka, anyway?


She kept a close eye on her baby prince.


And everybody else did too, of course. He’s a big hit.


That’s Pernille talking to the old lady I mentioned a few days ago. The one with the camera and the chinese dog.


Look, proof that the goats aren’t scared of her dog. Okay, it’s a small dog. But still, the goats are usually afraid of any dogs. Just not this one.

I talked to the lady again, about goats and sheep and everything. She’s nice to talk to. And I always like it when people remark on how much the goats love me. And Pernille said that Mathilde is getting tamer all the time. She didn’t say it was because of me or anything. But it’s not imagination that she’s getting less shy. And I’d like to think I have had a hand in it. It makes me happy too, seeing Mathilde all confident and seemingly well adjusted. Even if she has a nasty hazelnut habit.

I love the playground. So full of life.


Big and small.


New and old.


Peculiar and pretty.


And just plain adorable.


What is not to love? And now I’m looking forward to seeing The Prince grow up. Rest assured you’ll get to see it too.

I made couple of videos. In case you want to see him in live action.

Too late for the therapy story now. It can wait. I didn’t get Kashmir tickets. Darn it. My own stupid fault, I shouldn’t have waited so long to see if I could get on the guestlist. Now I wound up with nothing at all. There is a lesson to be learned there I’m sure.

I should put together a band of animal babies. I’ll be the manager. We might not sound great, but the cuteness alone will sell records en masse.

Have you noticed that I’m updating almost daily again? I’m making quite the effort. Go me.

And now it’s time for bed. To sleep, perchance to dream.

2 Responses to “The Prince And I”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I just watched the videos. Aww! I love the little prince and his mom. I think Olga is a much better name for her so I will think of her as Olga. Polka is a german folk dance – and it’s baaaaaaaaad music. Really bad. Heh. Music to make fun of. Two of my favourite comedians, John Candy and Eugene Levy parodied polka – very funny.

    Anyway, I love these animals. Their eyes are so kind and gentle. Everyone should have a mom like Olga.

  2. Katherine Says:

    here’s the link again

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Little Prince

I would like you all to say a big hello to my newest friend.


The Prince. Olga gave birth to a little prince yesterday.


They were still inside today, so bad flash photography for now. But you can still see how cute he is, right?


The proud mother. Apparently it was a hard ordeal. The Prince is 7 kilos heavy. Pernille told me about the birth, they had to tie Olga’s legs together and pull out the baby. Dramatic. They’re both okay now though.

And yes, “The Prince” is his name. So far anyway. Not Prince, but The Prince. I asked Pernille what his name was and she said “Well, remember last year when she had two lambs? They were called Mary and Frederik. So this is The Prince”. Now, Mary and Frederik is the Danish crown prince couple. And they just had a baby boy recently. Which I haven’t talked about as a silent protest against the media hysteria. But anyway, Mary and Frederik had a boy. And he is the prince. And this new lamb is The Prince. I am not sure if they will give him a new name once the human baby boy prince is named or if they’ll keep calling him The Prince. I like “The Prince.” It’s cool like The Rock and yet noble. And it sort of goes well with Magnethe, my princess.


Isn’t he cute? Hopefully I can get better pictures when he gets out and walks around. I had therapy today, that means I get to the playground late. Around the time when the place is closing and the animals are put inside. I did manage to say hello to the goats too though.


Their place is right next to the sheep and lamb.


When I was taking pictures of The Prince they would poke their noses through holes in the wall to see what was going on. I’m not sure they’re too impressed by the lamb… “Psssh, we’re much cuter than that!”. I hope they’ll get along. It was fun when Black and White and Magnethe had their own little group of baby animal cuteness. Now Magnethe is so grown, I don’t know how they will all relate. But I’m looking forward to finding out.

I have to tell you about therapy too. But I’m too tired right now. It can wait. I’ll let you bask in the glory of The Prince instead. Don’t you just want to hug and cuddle him till he’s so exhausted that he just can’t take it anymore?

Well, I do.

2 Responses to “The Little Prince”

  1. Valja Says:

    Plume, first of all, rock on. You are most definitely not boring (and I, for one like the simple layout. Complicated layouts get all flashy, annoying and in your face. Ugh. Plus, they don’t always work on everybody else’s browsers.) Secondly, The Prince is *adorable*. I do want to hug him. He looks so huggable. He brightened my day, :)

  2. Katherine Says:

    The prince is adorable!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Six Months In The Morning

A cold, cold morning today. The window was open as I was putting on my bandages after a nice, long, warm shower. And outside it was freezing. All that was missing was snow on the ground, then it would have been a winter paradise.

Passing through the parking lot and smiling to myself as a woman was scraping ice off of the windows on her car. Remembering how my dad used to hate that in the winter. Scraping ice and snow. Back when we had a car.

I don’t mind the cold. You should know by now.

Work was fine. I kinda messed up a phone message. But nothing important. Did I mention that I no longer have a phone at my table? When I started at Kulturgyngen I had a phone on my table and it was just assumed that I would answer the phone. And I did. And it wasn’t too bad I guess. But now they have re-done the whole phone system, a fancy new digital system. And there’s no longer a phone at my station. So now I only have to deal with phonecalls if Sanne is out of the office.

I wore my Mellon Collie ‘95 tour t-shirt today. And Bente complimented it. Nice. Although it still feels awkward for me to have people looking at me closely like that. It will get better in time, I’m sure.

Unfortunately I didn’t get on the guestlist for the Kashmir concert. And now I’m worried that I have waited so long that the concert is sold out. But I’ll try and see. Tomorrow is therapy so that’s a long day, I probably won’t be up to a trip back downtown. I’ll cross my fingers that there are still tickets on Wednesday.

At the playground I caught the goats in the act of mischief.


They’re not supposed to be snooping in the food supplies.


But they do dig in. I got a funny video of Magnethe climbing all over me. Look forward to that. Please?


I love Magnethe. Brightens my day, she does.

More brightness ahead. Olga has given birth. A lamb has arrived. I haven’t seen it yet. They were inside and the door closed. I could only peek in and listen to the tiny baahs. As far as I can tell it’s only one lamb. And as far as I can tell it will be a cutie. It sure sounds cute. One of the next days I should be able to see it. And you know you will be getting a load of pictures. Brace yourselves.

For now, here’s a picture of the baby hare.


In with the bunnies. I thought it would be scared when I put my finger there. It seemed so jumpy when it was outside. But no, it came and sniffed my finger just like the bunnies do.

Did I mention that the goats love hazelnuts? I did, I know. I just wanted to mention it again. They go, well, nuts. Especially Mathilde. She’s crazy for them. It’s like catnip for goats.

Oh yes. Today is the 6 month anniversary of Actually, it was two days ago. But today is the anniversary of the first blog entry. Six months eh? And just about 160 blog entries. I’m not going to make a big hooplah. I’ll save that for the 1 year anniversary. But I just want to say that I’m very happy that I got my own domain. might not seem like much, but it is my life. Online. And I love having everything gathered here under one umbrella. All the junk in one trunk. I feel at home here and I hope it’ll last a long time.

How about you? What do you think of Is the design so horrible that it brings everything down? Do you miss plume on diaryland? Is there anything you think is missing? Have I gotten boring? No, really. Have I? It’s okay if I have. You can tell me. Any comments are welcome.

We’ll end the entry with a little old Mew that has been on my mind. From before it was cool to be political.

And so
In right wing fashion
We’ll nurture xenophobia
And be strong
In right wing fashion
With paste and generosity
Because no one is safe
From someone somewhere’s sweet embrace
And so I have simply decided to dislike you now

2 Responses to “Six Months In The Morning”

  1. Anne Says: er bare så go’ og livsbekræftende. Tillykke med lammet/lammene.

  2. Katherine Says:

    Though I always loved your diaryland diary, I don’t miss diaryland at all. I think your blog is great. Blogging is the new ice cream!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Suicidal Fish #13

Suicidal Fish #13 (click to see big version)
PS. I still love Mutts.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Anecdotal Antidote

A little more catching up from the past weeks.

There’s a blind woman who comes to the playground sometimes.


I like how affectionate she is with the animals. She can’t see them so she has to get close and touch instead. And they know her, I’ve seen Mrs Piggy get all lively when she was there.



Groucho still makes me smile.

And the littlest one:


Smaller than the rest. They grow so fast.


Olga. How long are sheep pregnant? I want my little lambs already.

Don’t you just love animal babies? I think if animal babies didn’t grow up then we’d all be vegetarians.


The hare leveret is getting along with the bunnies.


They’re not so different.


The chick is growing too. Mads and Mathilde watching from the inside. It was raining.

Summer is most definitely over. We’ve had frosty nights this week. Wintery feelings. You can tell by the goats too. They’re getting… furrier. Their fur is getting thicker. I don’t know if you can tell by the pictures, but I can definitely feel it.


Getting their winter coats on.

A couple of girls were playing on the swings the other day. They asked me if I had a wife. I said no. Then they asked if I had a girlfriend. I said no. Sigh. Then they asked me whether I would kiss my girlfriend if I had one. I said yes. Then they giggled. Hehe.

What is new at work, you ask? Hølli stopped. You probably don’t know who that is, since I haven’t mentioned him. He started while I was out on sickleave. And I haven’t talked to him since his workhours are rather later than mine. He’s Icelandic by the way, his real name is too complicated to pronounce so we called him Hølli. Now he’s gone.

There’s a new Anders in the office. Cast page. (Oh and Olga’s cast page). So now we have two Anderses. The first one is Anders B, the new one is Anders P. Fascinating stuff.

On Wednesday we went to a design exhibition.


It was disappointingly boring.


Apart from the heads.

Afterwards we went outside.


The exhibition was down by the harbour.


We should go fishing some time. You and me.

I have discovered something new about the goats. They love nuts. Hazelnuts. I was sitting down, watching them scavenge for food. They kept digging around in the fallen autumn leaves and scruffing in the dirt. And then they would chew loudly. I got up and investigated. And found that they were eating hazelnuts. Lots and lots of fallen hazelnuts. So I proceeded to pick up a bag full of nuts. Because I like to make the goats happy. And nuts make them happy. They go nuts for the nuts. And it’s funny to listen to them chew, cracking the nuts.

Cracking the nuts. That sounds like frontier psychiatry.

I almost got beaten up by Magnethe and Mathilde today. They started fighting right where I was sitting. I think they might have been competing for my nuts. Or my love, alternatively. It’s a little scary when you’re sitting down and two goats are crashing all around you. At one point Magnethe actually jumped up on my back and then leapt at Mathilde from there.

Then later Mathilde wanted to poke me so I’d give her some nuts. I was sitting at the base of a little hill mound. And she was up higher. So her leg kicked me in the face. A couple of times. I didn’t get hurt, but I did get a nice mask of mud.

And then even later Magnethe somehow managed to knock my glasses off. I’m not sure how that happened.

I need to start wearing protective gear when I go to the playground.

I talked to an old lady there yesterday. She wanted to see my camera. And surprised me by knowing a lot about digital cameras. We have talked before. She’s nice. And she has a little dog that the goats aren’t afraid of. That surprised me, they are always terrified of all the dogs they see. But not this one.

Enough with the anecdotes.

May the path of your life be lined with blooming flowers.

One Response to “Anecdotal Antidote”

  1. Anne Says:

    All things bright and beautiful
    all creatures great and small
    all things wise and wonderful
    the Lord God made them all

    Det står i en af bøgerne af den engelske dyrlæge James Herriot. Jeg fandt dem på engelsk hos Gad på udsalg.
    Det, jeg vil frem til, er, at han skriver om og føler for dyr, som du gør. Så måske skulle du overveje en bog og sende den til et engelsk forlag – penge, penge. De kan sikkert findes på biblioteket – de blev flimatiserede og har været i dansk TV, selvom det er længe siden. Dine anekdoter fra byggeren er bare så goe’.