Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Be Alarmed

I love having vacation. The ultimate feeling of freedom is the ability to ignore the alarm clock in the morning. Punching the snooze button 5 times in a row. In vacation the alarm clock is like Superman in a room full of Kryptonite. A weak impersonation of former glory.

Re-enactment of my morning:




“Aaaah. Zzzzzzzz”


“I wonder if I should get up now? Naaah. Zzzzzzzzzzzz”.


“Foolish appliance, you have no power over me. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”.


“Did you hear something? I didn’t hear anything! I guess it was nothing then. ZZZZZzzzzzzzz”.

And yet I know… the clock will take horrible revenge on me when vacation runs out. Because you know, Superman always survives. Somehow he escapes the Kryptonite and comes back in full force.

I am the villain of the story. No matter how cool I am, I live on borrowed time. The good guys always win in the end.

Okay, enough Superman/alarm clock metaphors. It’s getting stupid. Speaking of sleep though, I think it’s interesting that my dreams are full of celebrities. Lenny Kravitz. Emilie de Ravin. The leadsinger of Maroon 5. Interesting. Not so strange though. Seeing as I have virtually no social life. Especially here in the vacation. I see very few people. So instead the TV and movie stars populate my dreams.

And I like it like that.

I don’t like that my camera is still out for repairs. I called today, but the girl from the call center said she couldn’t see anything. She would tell the store in Århus to call me and let me know what was going on. So now I’m waiting for that. Grumble. I miss it. But at least my old cam is still acceptable.

I’m still working on my gallery. Doing pictures from 2004 now. That was a big year for me. Odd to look back at it. The Reva center, the hospital business, Kulturgyngen. And discovering the playground. The first pictures of Mads and Mathilde. Little did I know how much they would come to mean to me. Interesting to look back on.

In other good news: my internet upgrade kicked in today. 4000/700. That’s good broadband!

And then I had a nice time at the playground. I brought a plastic bag full of carrot and apple slices. Wanted to spoil my goats. But I didn’t get to give them much. There was group of kids who wanted to feed the goats, so I ended up giving them most of the apples and carrots.




It was still fun though. Like I said yesterday, it’s very sweet to see the kids have fun with the animals. “Is it dangerous?”, “can I pet it?”, “can I feed it”, “Mads really loves you”. Animals make everyone happy, not least kids. There was a girl who didn’t speak Danish, so I spoke to her in English. She was probably 9-10 years old but her English was as good as mine. They were all nice, the kids. I’m happy that I can help them get to know the goats. I wish someone had done that for me when I was a kid. Animal contact would have done me good.



How can you not love them?


It almost looks like a little beard on Magnethe, doesn’t it? She’s so cute.


And Mathilde found the secret food stash. Those goats will get in anywhere. And apparently pig food is yummy too.


I heard that Miss Piggy is pregnant. So I guess we’ll get cute little pigglies soon. She was taking a nice nap here. Her real name is Yvonne.

Now I’m off to work on the gallery. See you laterz.

2 Responses to “Be Alarmed”

  1. meredith Says:

    the lead singer of maroon5 is HOTT. i wouldn’t mind stealing him from your dreams if you need me to.

  2. Katherine Says:

    I love that the pig is named Yvonne. It’s just very Jollity Farm. And Magnethe is as beautiful as ever. Animal names are so much better than people names…

    Here are the lyrics to Jollity Farm (by the Bonzododadog Band)

    Theres a farm called Misery, but of that well have none
    Because we know of one
    Thats always lots of fun (Ha ha!)
    And this ones name is Jollity; believe me, folks, its great

    For everything sings out to us as we go through the gate
    All the little pigs, they grunt and howl
    (Grunt, howl, grunt, howl)
    The cats mee-yow
    (Mee-yow, mee-yow)
    The dogs bow-wow
    (Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff)
    Everybody makes a row
    Down on Jollity Farm

    All the little birds go tweet, tweet, tweet
    (birdsong, piano noodle)
    The lambs all bleat
    And shake their feet
    Everythings a perfect treat
    Down on Jollity Farm

    Regular as habit
    The cocks begin to crow
    Can the old buck rabbit sing “Stuff it up your jumper”

    All the little ducks go quack quack quack
    (quack quack quack)
    The cows go Moo
    The bull does, too
    Everyone says how do you do
    Down on Jollity Farm

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