Thursday, July 07, 2005

Heaven Is Overbooked

London is burning. 35 dead, 700 injured? That’s the latest figure I see.

When the news first came up it said “2 dead”. You know it’s a fucked world when you think to yourself “oh only 2″. It takes more to shock these days.

And you know, it scares me. It scares me that two days ago Bush was in Denmark. To thank our wonderful prime minister for his support in the war. “Our Danish friends”. Nevermind half the country is against Bush. Nevermind the lies and manipulation that the Danish government presented to get us into the war. Anders Fogh gets 5 minutes with Bush and some nice pictures for the scrap book. And we get to feel important. And spend millions on security.

There was a time, not long ago, when the idea of terrorism in Denmark was laughable. Little nobodies who never bothered anyone. Now we’re on the list.

If only we were on the list because we did something heroic, something good, something noble. But no, we’re on the list so Anders Fogh can be third in line in the press photos, standing just in the back to the right of Blair and Bush and whoever else they have licking boots.

There’s nothing like politics to make me cynical. Well, apart from this. A girl on livejournal says her cat got burned. She collects donations and sympathies. Then admits she made it up. Says it was an “experiment”. To me it sounds like she got caught and is trying to cover up her scamming. In any case, it’s sick. At least the cat is okay.

My thoughts go out to the Londoners, as little as that means in the grander scheme.

It’s times like these that I need some animals to restore my faith in humanity.


One Response to “Heaven Is Overbooked”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I’m totally FOR the animals. Look…Mads is on top of the picnic table but he didn’t blow any goats up to get there. I know the carnivore critters can be vicious, but when they’re not hungry they’re pretty placid and sleepy and disinterested in prey. Whereas humans have a more sinister kind of hunger. Evil mental stomachs they yurn to fill with trophies or some such. Oil reserves or slaves. I’ll take my chances with the animals. P.S. I think you’d like these pix. (scroll for the goats). Posting a pic of Misty in your guestbook.

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