Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hard Now To Picture A Me Without You

The weekend is winding down. And so is my little surgery-vacation.

I’m still a little nervous about going back. To work, to life. But it’s going to be okay. It will be nice to get out, to see everyone again. It won’t be nice to have to get up early again. But that’s the price of modern life.

I took that shower yesterday. A nice, long, warm shower. What a nice feeling. That was also the first time I took my bandages off by myself. They’re not really bandages, more like thin tape stuff. Band-aids almost. It’s supposed to press it all together so the scars will look nice. They don’t look that great right now. It was the first time I got to really look at them up close. And they look like… scars. I guess I can’t expect that to look nice. I mean, they cut my skin open and sewed it back together. If that was haute-couture then Frankenstein would have been a supermodel. But I take comfort in the fact that the nurse said it looked great. I still have to count on 6 months or so before everything has settled and I can make a final judgment on it.

But so far I’m happy, very happy. It has been a lot easier than I’d thought and the result is something I have dreamt of for all my life.

I guess my next project should be to move out. That is the next big step for me on the road to a good life. I have to step up the search, put some more effort into it. Soon. First a little time to get back to work and therapy. Then it’s onwards and upwards.

Maybe some day a goat farm. I would seriously like that. It’s not realistic right now of course. Maybe never. I don’t know how big the market is for goat cheese and milk in Denmark. But I can dream. I vaguely remember a segment on the local news many years ago about a woman who quit her high-stress job and became a goat farmer. That was long before I discovered how great goats are. Long before I discovered that a normal life would be possible for me. But even back then it did sound romantic, quitting the city and making a living like that. I should like that. How much does a farm cost? I better start saving now I guess.

In the meantime three goats will do.


Mads has been a good doctor. He knows just how to make me feel better. His bedside manners may be slightly eccentric, but that is easily forgiven. I think we have bonded even more the last week or so. I have been able to go up to the playground fairly early in the day and just sit with him. Nuzzle his throat, scratch him behind the ears. It is like meditation, just sitting there and not really doing anything. I love it.

Now that I’m going back to work I’ll have less time there. But I’ll take what I can get.


New arrivals on Friday. Some funny, big hens. Roosters? I don’t know. Per, Knud and Alice/Pernille are looking at them there.

Magnethe was still butting around.


The girl didn’t mind. Just like me she found it funny. Magnethe did manage to hit me right on the knee a couple of times though. I should start wearing kneecaps. Hah.

Someone left the water fountain running.



Notice the sun?


Neat. Someone carved it in the rock.

Mads eyed the chance to refresh himself.




Fun stuff. Also made a video of it. The water looks funny on cam.

After a drink, you need something to eat.


Mads found a magazine in the garbage can. Which one?


Vagttårnet. The Watchtower. You know, Jehovah’s Witnesses. Now how’s that for subtle satire on Mads’ part?

I love the goats. He’s not necessarily overweight by the way. Mads. One of the things I read when I did goat research the other day was that pygmies are just built that way. Wide. It’s natural. Okay, he could probably still stand to lose a little. But it’s good to know that he’s not morbidly obese after all, haha.

I got a nice compliment today. “Aw, I like talking to you. You’re like a flintstones phone”. Neato.

Also, thank you Katherine for alerting me to the latest episode of The O’Reilly Factor, the scariest comedy show on TV.

That’s all for today. Let’s hope tomorrow goes well. I hope no one has taken my computer.

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