Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Social Sheepish

It’s already November? That’s crazy. It seems like only yesterday that it was February 24th.

*flips through calendar pages*

Wait, this is a calendar from 1985. That explains it.

Therapy was today. I met Vibe, from the group, in the bus on the way out there. She was sitting in the back. And she sort of pulled at my sleeve because I didn’t see her when I got in. That’s a situation where I’d normally say hi and then go to the front of the bus and avoid further contact. But in the spirit of exposure and therapy and well-being I sat down next to her. And we talked for the whole ride. Probably the longest conversation I have had since… I can remember. It wasn’t perfect, but certainly a lot better than I’d usually expect from myself.

Good for me.

The session went fine. It was “bring your family” day. I didn’t bring anyone, as previously discussed. I was the only one on my own. Birthe wasn’t going to bring anyone either, but she had a dog-related emergency and didn’t come. So I was very much the odd one out.

It was a bit stressful. Just because they were new people. People I don’t know. But it was good too, to see “normal” un-phobic people and their reactions to our therapy. And more importantly it meant that I could pretty much relax for half the session because we were talking about the family support stuff instead of dealing with our own personal problems. Woohoo!

It’s really a lovely group I’m in. They are so nice and sweet.

Of course they all brought boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands. Which spelled out the fact that I was single, even more. I have no one. Which is kind of sad, don’t you think? On the other hand the fact that they are all in relationships shows that it’s possible even for social phobics. So there’s hope.

My arms retreat
I wish they were there to hold you

There is no reason to be sad though. In many ways I am lucky. And I have the strength to change the rest.

Just for a change I’m not going to show you any pictures from the playground..

..and if you believe that then I have an Eiffel tower I want to sell you! Vintage quality, too!


One Response to “Social Sheepish”

  1. Anne Says:

    Det var dit valg, at du ingen ville ha’ med, så det er dig, der lever med konsekvenserne – men det klarede du da flot nok, ikke? Synes du ikke, det er påfaldende, at hver gang du kommer ind i en gruppe, så er de bare så søde og rare og ka’ li’ dig? Det er da, fordi du har gode signaler. Verden består af ganske få onde og mange tankeløse. Det ser ud til, at det er et får med en spøjs personlighed, og billedet viser tydeligt, at du allerede er en speciel person i hendes liv. Du sku’ spørge, om du kan komme med ud på gården og sige hej til Mads.

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